konichiwa : hello
konbanwa : Good Afternoon
kawaii : Beautiful
aritago gozaimasu
sebun elebun : 7 Eleven
kitto katto : Kit Kat
basu : Bus
stabakkusu - sutaba : starbucks
guguru : google
makudonarudo - makudo : Mc' Donalds
Takushi go Hoteru : Taxi to hotel
burkin : Burger King
to-i-le toile : toilet
miruku : milk
kenchiki : kfc
Sawadee krub : Hello
Ao Pai Tee Nai : Where are you going?
Ao Pai Bangkok! : Lets go Bangkok!
Khop Kun Kap : Thank You
laŋɡwɪdʒ ləːnɪŋ
konichiwa : hello
konbanwa : Good Afternoon
kawaii : Beautiful
aritago gozaimasu
sebun elebun : 7 Eleven
kitto katto : Kit Kat
basu : Bus
stabakkusu - sutaba : starbucks
guguru : google
makudonarudo - makudo : Mc' Donalds
Takushi go Hoteru : Taxi to hotel
burkin : Burger King
to-i-le toile : toilet
miruku : milk
kenchiki : kfc
Sawadee krub : Hello
Ao Pai Tee Nai : Where are you going?
Ao Pai Bangkok! : Lets go Bangkok!
Khop Kun Kap : Thank You
"(Ingatlah) pada hari langit KAMI gulung seperti menggulung lembaran-lembaran kertas. Sebagaimana KAMI telah memulai penciptaan pertama, begitulah KAMI akan mengulanginya lagi. Janji yang pasti KAMI tepati; sungguh, KAMI akan melaksanakannya.". (QS Al-Anbiya' [21] : 104)
"The Day when WE will fold
the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the
records. As WE began the first creation, WE will repeat it.
[That is] a promise binding upon US. Indeed, WE will do it. (QS Al-Anbiya' [21] : 104)
"An dem Tag, da Wir den Himmel
zusammenfalten, wie der Urkundenschreiber die Schriftstücke
zusammenfaltet. Wie Wir eine erste Schöpfung am Anfang gemacht haben,
wiederholen Wir sie; (das ist) ein für Uns bindendes Versprechen. Wir
wer den es bestimmt tun." (QS Al-Anbiya' [21] : 104)
- Selepas Malaikat Israfil meniup sangkakala (bentuknya seperti tanduk besar) yang memekakkan telinga, seluruh makhluk mati kecuali Izrail & beberapa malaikat yang lain. Selepas itu, Izrail pun mencabut nyawa malaikat yang tinggal dan akhirnya nyawanya sendiri.
- Selepas semua makhluk mati, Tuhan pun berfirman mafhumnya “Kepunyaan siapakah kerajaan hari ini?” Tiada siapa yang menjawab. Lalu Dia sendiri menjawab dengan keagunganNya “Kepunyaan Allah Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Perkasa.” Ini menunjukkan kebesaran & keagunganNya sebagai Tuhan yg Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Kekal Hidup, tidak mati.
- Selepas 40 tahun, Malaikat Israfil a.s. dihidupkan, seterusnya meniup sangkakala untuk kali ke-2, lantas seluruh makhluk hidup semula di atas bumi putih, berupa padang Mahsyar (umpama padang Arafah) yang rata tidak berbukit atau bulat seperti bumi.
- Sekelian manusia hidup melalui benih anak Adam yg disebut “Ajbuz Zanbi” yang berada di hujung tulang belakang mereka. Hiduplah manusia umpama anak pokok yang kembang membesar dari biji benih.
- Semua manusia dan jin dibangkitkan dalam keadaan telanjang dan hina. Mereka tidak rasa malu kerana pada ketika itu hati mereka sangat takut dan bimbang tentang nasib & masa depan yang akan mereka hadapi kelak.
- Lalu datanglah api yang berterbangan dengan bunyi seperti guruh yang menghalau manusia, jin dan binatang ke tempat perhimpunan besar. Bergeraklah mereka menggunakan tunggangan (bagi yang banyak amal), berjalan kaki (bagi yang kurang amalan) dan berjalan dengan muka (bagi yang banyak dosa). Ketika itu, ibu akan lupakan anak, suami akan lupakan isteri, setiap manusia sibuk memikirkan nasib mereka.
- Setelah semua makhluk dikumpulkan, matahari dan bulan dihapuskan cahayanya, lalu mereka tinggal dalam kegelapan tanpa cahaya. Berlakulah huru-hara yang amat dahsyat.
- Tiba-tiba langit yang tebal pecah dengan bunyi yang dahsyat, lalu turunlah malaikat sambil bertasbih kepada Allah SWT. Seluruh makhluk terkejut melihat saiz malaikat yang besar dan suaranya yang menakutkan.
- Kemudian matahari muncul semula dengan kepanasan yang berganda. Hingga dirasakan seakan-akan matahari berada sejengkal dari atas kepala mereka. Ulama berkata jika matahari naik di bumi seperti keadaannya naik dihari Kiamat nescaya seluruh bumi terbakar, bukit-bukau hancur dan sungai menjadi kering. Lalu mereka rasai kepanasan dan bermandikan peluh sehinggapeluh mereka menjadi lautan. Timbul atau tenggelam mereka bergantung pada amalan masing-masing. Keadaan mereka berlanjutan sehingga 1000 tahun.
- Terdapat satu telaga kepunyaan Nabi Muhammad SAW bernama Al-Kausar yang mengandungi air yang hanya dapat diminum oleh orang mukmin sahaja. Orang bukan mukmin akan dihalau oleh malaikat yang menjaganya. Jika diminum airnya tidak akan haus selama-lamanya. Kolam ini berbentuk segi empat tepat sebesar satu bulan perjalanan. Bau air kolam ini lebih harum dari kasturi, warnanya lebih putih dari susu dan rasanya lebih sejuk dari embun. Ia mempunyai saluran yang mengalir dari syurga.
- Semua makhluk berada bawah cahaya matahari yang terik kecuali 7 golonganyang mendapat teduhan dari Arasy. Mereka ialah:
- Pemimpin yang adil.
- Orang muda yang taat kepada perintah Allah.
- Lelaki yang terikat hatinya dengan masjid.
- Dua orang yang bertemu kerana Allah dan berpisah kerana Allah.
- Lelaki yang diajak oleh wanita berzina, tetapi dia menolak dengan berkata “Aku takut pada Allah”.
- Lelaki yg bersedekah dengan bersembunyi (tidak diketahui orang ramai).
- Lelaki yang suka bersendirian mengingati Allah lalu mengalir air matanya kerana takutkan Allah.
- Oleh kerana tersangat lama menunggu di padang mahsyar, semua manusia tidak tahu berbuat apa melainkan mereka yang beriman, kemudian mereka terdengar suara “pergilah berjumpa dengan para Nabi”. Maka mereka pun pergi mencari para Nabi. Pertama sekali kumpulan manusia ini berjumpa dengan Nabi Adam tetapi usaha mereka gagal kerana Nabi Adam a.s menyatakan beliau juga ada melakukan kesalahan dengan Allah SWT. Maka kumpulan besar itu kemudiannya berjumpa Nabi Nuh a.s., Nabi Ibrahim a.s., Nabi Musa a.s., Nabi Isa a.s. (semuanya memberikan sebab seperti Nabi Adam a.s.) dan akhirnya mereka berjumpa Rasullullah SAW. Jarak masa antara satu nabi dengan yang lain adalah 1000 tahun perjalanan.
- Lalu berdoalah baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW ke hadrat Allah SWT. Lalu diperkenankan doa baginda.
- Selepas itu, terdengar bunyi pukulan gendang yang kuat hingga menakutkan hati semua makhluk kerana mereka sangka azab akan turun. Lalu terbelah langit, turunlah arasy Tuhan yang dipikul oleh 8 orang malaikat yang sangat besar (besarnya sejarak perjalanan 20 ribu tahun) sambil bertasbih dengan suara yang amat kuat sehingga ‘Arasy itu tiba dibumi.
- ‘Arasy ialah jisim nurani yang amat besar berbentuk kubah (bumbung bulat) yang mempunyai 4 batang tiang yang sentiasa dipikul oleh 4 orang malaikat yang besar dan gagah. Dalam bahasa mudah ia seumpama istana yang mempunyai seribu bilik yang menempatkan jutaan malaikat di dalamnya. Ia dilingkungi embun yang menghijab cahayanya yang sangat kuat.
- Kursi iaitu jisim nurani yang terletak di hadapan Arasy yang dipikul oleh 4 orang malaikat yang sangat besar. Saiz kursi lebih kecil dari ‘Arasy umpama cincin ditengah padang . Dalam bahasa mudah ia umpama singgahsana yang terletak dihadapan istana.
- Seluruh makhluk pun menundukkan kepala kerana takut. Lalu dimulakan timbangan amal. Ketika itu berterbanganlah kitab amalan masing-masing turun dari bawah Arasy menuju ke leher pemiliknya tanpa silap dan tergantunglah ia sehingga mereka dipanggil untuk dihisab. Kitab amalan ini telah ditulis oleh malaikat Hafazhah / Raqib & ‘Atid / Kiraman Katibin.
- Manusia beratur dalam saf mengikut Nabi dan pemimpin masing- masing. Orang kafir & munafik beratur bersama pemimpin mereka yang zalim. Setiap pengikut ada tanda mereka tersendiri untuk dibezakan.
- Umat yang pertama kali dihisab adalah umat Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan amalan yang pertama kali dihisab adalah solat. Sedangkan hukum yang pertama kali diputuskan adalah perkara pertumpahan darah.
- Apabila tiba giliran seseorang hendak dihisab amalannya, malaikat akan mencabut kitab mereka lalu diserahkan, lalu pemiliknya mengambil dengantangan kanan bagi orang mukmin dan dengan tangan kiri jika orang bukan mukmin.
- Semua makhluk akan dihisab amalan mereka menggunakan satu Neraca Timbangan. Saiznya amat besar, mempunyai satu tiang yang mempunyai lidah dan 2 daun. Daun yang bercahaya untuk menimbang pahala dan yang gelap untuk menimbang dosa.
- Acara ini disaksikan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dan para imam 4 mazhab untuk menyaksikan pengikut masing-masing dihisab.
- Perkara pertama yang diminta ialah Islam. Jika dia bukan Islam, maka seluruh amalan baiknya tidak ditimbang bahkan amalan buruk tetap akan ditimbang.
- Ketika dihisab, mulut manusia akan dipateri, tangan akan berkata- kata, kaki akan menjadi saksi. Tiada dolak-dalih dan hujah tipuan. Semua akan di adili oleh Allah Ta’ala dengan Maha Bijaksana.
- Setelah amalan ditimbang, mahkamah Mahsyar dibuka kepada orang ramai untuk menuntut hak masing-masing dari makhluk yang sedang dibicara sehinggalah seluruh makhluk berpuas hati dan dibenarkannya menyeberangi titian sirat.
- Syafaat Nabi Muhammad SAW di akhirat :
- Meringankan penderitaan makhluk di Padang Mahsyar dengan mempercepatkan hisab.
- Memasukkan manusia ke dalam syurga tanpa hisab.
- Mengeluarkan manusia yang mempunyai iman sebesar zarah dari neraka. (Semua syafaat ini tertakluk kepada keizinan Allah SWT.)
- Para nabi dan rasul serta golongan khawas juga diberikan izin oleh Tuhan untuk memberi syafaat kepada para pengikut mereka. Mereka ini berjumlah 70 000. Setiap seorang dari mereka akan mensyafaatkan 70 000 orang yang lain.
- Setelah berjaya dihisab, manusia akan mula berjalan menuju syurga melintasi jambatan sirat. Siratul Mustaqim ialah jambatan (titian) yang terbentang dibawahnya neraka. Lebar jambatan ini adalah seperti sehelai rambut yang dibelah tujuh dan ia lebih tajam dari mata pedang. Bagi orang mukmin ia akan dilebarkan dan dimudahkan menyeberanginya.
- Fudhail bin Iyadh berkata perjalanan di Sirat memakan masa 15000 tahun. 5000 tahun menaik, 5000 tahun mendatar dan 5000 tahun menurun. Ada makhluk yang melintasinya seperti kilat, seperti angin, menunggang binatang korban dan berjalan kaki. Ada yang tidak dapat melepasinya disebabkan api neraka sentiasa menarik kaki mereka, lalu mereka jatuh ke dalamnya.
- Para malaikat berdiri di kanan dan kiri sirat mengawasi setiap makhluk yang lalu. Setiap 1000 orang yang meniti sirat, hanya seorang sahaja yang berjaya melepasinya. 999 orang akan terjatuh ke dalam neraka.
Kitab Aqidatun Najin karangan Syeikh Zainal Abidin Muhammad Al- Fathani. Pustaka Nasional Singapura 2004.
Kitab Aqidatun Najin karangan Syeikh Zainal Abidin Muhammad Al- Fathani. Pustaka Nasional Singapura 2004.
Agama di dunia ini banyak, dan setiap agama memiliki kitab sucinya masing-masing yang menjadi acuan kehidupan bagi para pemeluknya. Ada banyak cara interaksi pemeluk agama terhadap kitab sucinya, ada yang memahami berdasar tafsiran pemuka agama, ada memahami dengan mempelajari bahasa asli kitab suci tersebut, ada yang menterjemahkan kitab suci tersebut bahkan ada yang menganggap terjemahan kitab suci adalah kitab suci itu sendiri.
Al Qur’an merupakan kitab suci umat Islam yang diturunkan dengan bahasa Arab, banyak terjemahan al qur’an ke berbagai bahasa. Bahkan al Qur’an merupakan kitab suci yang banyak memiliki tafsir baik secara kuantitas para penafsir maupun banyaknya jilid kitab-kitab tafsir oleh seorang penafsir.
Para penafsir tersebut memberikan penafsiran terhadap al qur’an lewat berbagai pendekatan, ada yang mengkhususkan terhadap masalah-masalah ayat-ayat hukum.
Berikut ini disajikan ayat – ayat yang berkaitan dengan masalah- masalah hukum dalam Kitab Rawai ‘ul Bayan Tafsir Aat Ahkam Minal Qur’an karya syaeikh ali ash shabuni jilid 1
(Nombor.) Surah. Ayat. Topik.
(1) Al-Fatihah 1-7 Surah Al Fatihah, (2) Al-Baqarah 101-103 Sihir Menurut Syari’ah, (3) Al Baqarah 106-108 Nasykh dalam Al Qur’an, (4) Al Baqarah 142 – 145 Menghadap Ka’bah dalam Shalat, (5) Al Baqarah 158 Sa’y antara Shafa dan Marwah, (6) Al Baqarah 159 – 160 Menyembunyikan ilmu syari’at, (7) Al Baqarah 172 -173 Mubahnya hal yang baik dan haramnya hal yang keji, (8) Al Baqarah 178 – 179 Dalam Qishash ada kehidupan di dalamnya, (9) Al Baqarah 183- 187 Kewajiban puasa bagi umat Islam, (10) Al Baqarah 190 – 195 Disyari’atkannya perang dalam Islam, (11) Al Baqarah 196 – 203 Menyempurnakan haji dan umrah, (12) Al Baqarah 216 – 218 Perang di bulan-bulan yang dihormati,, (13) Al Baqarah 219 – 220 Diharamkannya judi dan khamr, (14) Al Baqarah 221 Menikahi wanita musyrik, (15) Al Baqarah 222 -223 Tidak menggauli wanita haid, (16) Al Baqarah 224 – 225/226-227 Larangan banyak bersumpah, (17) Al Baqarah 228 -231 Syari'at Islam tentang thalaq, (18) Al Baqarah 233 Ketentuan tentang sepersusuan, (19) Al Baqarah 234 Idah wanita yang ditinggal mati suami, (20) Al Baqarah 235-237 Meminang wanita dan hak mahar, (21) Al Baqarah 275 – 281 Kejahatan sosial riba yang membahayakan, (22) Ali Imran 29 Larangan berpihak pada orang kafir, (23) Ali Imran 96 -97 Kewajiban haji dalam Islam, (24) An Nisa’ 1 – 4 Poligami dan Hikmahnya, (25) An Nisa’ 5 – 10 Perhatian Islam terhadap harta anak yatim, (26) An Nisa’ 19 – 24 Mahram-mahram, (27) An Nisa 34 – 36 Cekcok dalm keluarga dan solusinya, (28) An Nisa’ 43 Larangan shalat ketika mabuk dan junub, (29) An Nisa 92 – 94 Tindak krimanal pembunuhan dan sanksinya, (30) An Nisa’ 101 – 107 Shalat Khauf, (31) Al Maidah 1 – 4 Makanan yang halal dan yang haram, (32) Al Maidah 5 -6 Ketentuan tentang wudhuk dan tayammum, (33) Al Maidah 33 – 40 Pidana pencurian dan perampokan, (34) Al Maidah 89 – 92 Kafarat sumpah dan keharaman khamer, judi, (35) Al Taubah 17 -18 Memakmurkan masjid, (36) At Taubah 28 -29 Larangan masuk masjid bagi orang musyrik, (37) Al Anfal 2 – 4 Ketentuan tentang rampasan perang, (38) Al Anfal 15 – 18 Melarikan diri dari peperangan, (39) Al Anfal 41 Ketentuan cara pembagian rampasan perang, (40) Al Hajj 36 – 37 Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan qurban
(1) Al-Fatihah 1-7 Surah Al Fatihah, (2) Al-Baqarah 101-103 Sihir Menurut Syari’ah, (3) Al Baqarah 106-108 Nasykh dalam Al Qur’an, (4) Al Baqarah 142 – 145 Menghadap Ka’bah dalam Shalat, (5) Al Baqarah 158 Sa’y antara Shafa dan Marwah, (6) Al Baqarah 159 – 160 Menyembunyikan ilmu syari’at, (7) Al Baqarah 172 -173 Mubahnya hal yang baik dan haramnya hal yang keji, (8) Al Baqarah 178 – 179 Dalam Qishash ada kehidupan di dalamnya, (9) Al Baqarah 183- 187 Kewajiban puasa bagi umat Islam, (10) Al Baqarah 190 – 195 Disyari’atkannya perang dalam Islam, (11) Al Baqarah 196 – 203 Menyempurnakan haji dan umrah, (12) Al Baqarah 216 – 218 Perang di bulan-bulan yang dihormati,, (13) Al Baqarah 219 – 220 Diharamkannya judi dan khamr, (14) Al Baqarah 221 Menikahi wanita musyrik, (15) Al Baqarah 222 -223 Tidak menggauli wanita haid, (16) Al Baqarah 224 – 225/226-227 Larangan banyak bersumpah, (17) Al Baqarah 228 -231 Syari'at Islam tentang thalaq, (18) Al Baqarah 233 Ketentuan tentang sepersusuan, (19) Al Baqarah 234 Idah wanita yang ditinggal mati suami, (20) Al Baqarah 235-237 Meminang wanita dan hak mahar, (21) Al Baqarah 275 – 281 Kejahatan sosial riba yang membahayakan, (22) Ali Imran 29 Larangan berpihak pada orang kafir, (23) Ali Imran 96 -97 Kewajiban haji dalam Islam, (24) An Nisa’ 1 – 4 Poligami dan Hikmahnya, (25) An Nisa’ 5 – 10 Perhatian Islam terhadap harta anak yatim, (26) An Nisa’ 19 – 24 Mahram-mahram, (27) An Nisa 34 – 36 Cekcok dalm keluarga dan solusinya, (28) An Nisa’ 43 Larangan shalat ketika mabuk dan junub, (29) An Nisa 92 – 94 Tindak krimanal pembunuhan dan sanksinya, (30) An Nisa’ 101 – 107 Shalat Khauf, (31) Al Maidah 1 – 4 Makanan yang halal dan yang haram, (32) Al Maidah 5 -6 Ketentuan tentang wudhuk dan tayammum, (33) Al Maidah 33 – 40 Pidana pencurian dan perampokan, (34) Al Maidah 89 – 92 Kafarat sumpah dan keharaman khamer, judi, (35) Al Taubah 17 -18 Memakmurkan masjid, (36) At Taubah 28 -29 Larangan masuk masjid bagi orang musyrik, (37) Al Anfal 2 – 4 Ketentuan tentang rampasan perang, (38) Al Anfal 15 – 18 Melarikan diri dari peperangan, (39) Al Anfal 41 Ketentuan cara pembagian rampasan perang, (40) Al Hajj 36 – 37 Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah dengan qurban
Juz yang kedua dari kitab tafsir tersebut memuat ayat ahkam sebagai berikut:
No Surat Ayat Topik
(1) An Nur 1 – 3 Had (Ketentuan hukum tentang) Zina, (2) An Nur 3 – 5 Menuduh Zina, (3) An Nur 6 – 10 Li’an (suami istri saling menuduh zina), (4) An Nur 23 – 26 Mennyebarkan cerita dusta, (5) An Nur 27 – 30 Etika berkunjung dan bertamu, (6) An Nur 30 – 31 Hijab dan pandangan mata, (7) An Nur 32 – 34 Anjuran menikah, (8) An Nur 58 -59 Etika berkunjung pada waktu privasi, (9) An Nur 61 Makan minum di rumah kerabat, (10) Luqman 13 – 15 Berbakti kepada kedua orang tua, (11) Al Ahzab 1 – 5 Anak angkat menurut Islam dan Jahiliyah, (12) Al Ahzab 6 Kewarisan kerabat rahim, (13) Al Ahzab 49 Cerai sebelum digauli, (14) Al Ahzab 50 -52 Tentang Istri-istri Nabi SAW, (15) Al Ahzab 52 – 53 Etika perjamuan/resepsi pernikahan, (16) Al Ahzab 56 – 58 Shalawat terhadap Nabi SAW, (17) Al Ahzab 59 Hijab wanita muslimah, (18) Saba’ 10 – 14 Hukum gambar dan patung, (19) Shad 41 – 44 Hilah (melepaskan diri dari kesulitan hukum), (20) Muhammad 4 – 6 Perang dalam Islam, (21) Muhammad 33 – 35 Meninggalkan amal kebaikan setelah dimulai, (22) Al Hujurat 6 -10 Cheking kebenaran berita, (23) Al Waqi’ah 75 – 87 Ketentuan memegang mushaf al Qur’an, (24) Al Mujadilah 1 – 4 Dhihar dan kafaratnya, (25) Al Mujadilah 11 – 13 Mengadukan sesuatu kepada Rasulullah SAW, (26) Al Mumtahanah 10 – 13 Menikah dengan orang Islam atau musyrik, (27) Al Jumu’ah 9 – 11 Ketentuan shalat Jum’at, (28) Ath Thalaq 1 – 3 Ketentuan perceraian, (29) Ath Thalaq 4 – 7 Ketentuan tentang masa iddah, (30) Al Muzammil 1 – 10 : Ketentuan membaca al Qur’an.
(1) An Nur 1 – 3 Had (Ketentuan hukum tentang) Zina, (2) An Nur 3 – 5 Menuduh Zina, (3) An Nur 6 – 10 Li’an (suami istri saling menuduh zina), (4) An Nur 23 – 26 Mennyebarkan cerita dusta, (5) An Nur 27 – 30 Etika berkunjung dan bertamu, (6) An Nur 30 – 31 Hijab dan pandangan mata, (7) An Nur 32 – 34 Anjuran menikah, (8) An Nur 58 -59 Etika berkunjung pada waktu privasi, (9) An Nur 61 Makan minum di rumah kerabat, (10) Luqman 13 – 15 Berbakti kepada kedua orang tua, (11) Al Ahzab 1 – 5 Anak angkat menurut Islam dan Jahiliyah, (12) Al Ahzab 6 Kewarisan kerabat rahim, (13) Al Ahzab 49 Cerai sebelum digauli, (14) Al Ahzab 50 -52 Tentang Istri-istri Nabi SAW, (15) Al Ahzab 52 – 53 Etika perjamuan/resepsi pernikahan, (16) Al Ahzab 56 – 58 Shalawat terhadap Nabi SAW, (17) Al Ahzab 59 Hijab wanita muslimah, (18) Saba’ 10 – 14 Hukum gambar dan patung, (19) Shad 41 – 44 Hilah (melepaskan diri dari kesulitan hukum), (20) Muhammad 4 – 6 Perang dalam Islam, (21) Muhammad 33 – 35 Meninggalkan amal kebaikan setelah dimulai, (22) Al Hujurat 6 -10 Cheking kebenaran berita, (23) Al Waqi’ah 75 – 87 Ketentuan memegang mushaf al Qur’an, (24) Al Mujadilah 1 – 4 Dhihar dan kafaratnya, (25) Al Mujadilah 11 – 13 Mengadukan sesuatu kepada Rasulullah SAW, (26) Al Mumtahanah 10 – 13 Menikah dengan orang Islam atau musyrik, (27) Al Jumu’ah 9 – 11 Ketentuan shalat Jum’at, (28) Ath Thalaq 1 – 3 Ketentuan perceraian, (29) Ath Thalaq 4 – 7 Ketentuan tentang masa iddah, (30) Al Muzammil 1 – 10 : Ketentuan membaca al Qur’an.
Demikian tabel ayat-ayat ahkam dalam kitab tersebut, perlu di catat, topik tersebut hanyalah secara umum, tetapi secara lebih detail tentu saja kandungan ayat-ayat tersebut lebih luas dari topik yang disajikan. Wallhu a’lam bish shawwab.
Rujukan :http://zulfa4wliya.wordpress.com/2007/12/02/ayat-ayat-hukum/
1. http://sunnatulhuda.com/2011/04/16/20-amalan-murah-rezeki-2/
Chapter 1 : DESIRE
رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
Rujukan :http://zulfa4wliya.wordpress.com/2007/12/02/ayat-ayat-hukum/
TAZKIRAH IMAN & AMAL 5/02/2011 6.08AM ISNIN 21/3/2014 10.02AM JUMAAT
TAZKIRAH IMAN & AMAL 5/02/2011 6.08AM ISNIN 21/3/2014 10.02AM JUMAAT
Segalanya bermula dari minda diri kita sendiri! Seseorang yang berfikiran positif serta yakin anugerah rezekinya dijamin oleh ALLAH SWT akan beramal bersungguh-sungguh mengaplikasikan "TAAT SEGALA PERINTAH-NYA MENJAUHI SEGALA LARANGAN-NYA" dalam segenab aspek kehidupan baik berbentuk segala amalan Duniawi lebih-lebih lagi ketaatan bagi kejayaan Ukhrawi! Namun jika di minda itu sendiri terpampang penyelesaian, kemudahan dan gaya hidup atau tabiat suka HUTANG, meminjam BANK, guna KAD KREDIT, sikit-sikit mintak TOLONG KAWAN, jasa baik ADIK BERADIK, SEDARA MARA atau Segala macam lagi keyakinan dan pengharapan kepada makhluk melebihi keyakinannya terhadap Pencipta-NYA walaupun dia tahu ALLAH SWT YANG MAHA KAYA LAGI MAHA PEMBERI REZEKI maka lihatlah apa yang terjadi? Jangan biarkan hidup kita hanyut dalam gelora rezeki dan hutang yang tidak berkesudahan! Rezeki yang tidak cukup-cukup walaupun harta bertimbun-timbun, Hutang yang tidak habis-habis walaupun orang nampak kita berstatus jutawan Nauzubillah hi min zalik! Amalan Murah Rezeki Jauhi Hutang : mengetengahkan penyelesaian dalam apajua berkaitan rezeki dalam kehidupan manusia menggunakan kaedah mengutamakan "PENCIPTA" iaitu ALLAH SWT mengatasi segala-galanya! Woowww Hebat Seronoknya Bila Kebesaran ALLAH SWT Sudah Bersepadu Di Jiwa Hati Sanubari, apajua rintangan dan masalah dunia kecil sekali! Amalkanlah serta Nikmatilah kelazatan rezeki yang barakah ini, Ameeen.
Amalan-amalan ini menjadi sebab Allah limpahi hamba-Nya dengan keluasan rezeki dan rasa kaya dengan pemberian-Nya. Berdasarkan konsep rezeki yang telah diperkatakan, Allah memberi jalan buat setiap hamba-Nya untuk memperolehi rezeki dalam pelbagai bentuk yang boleh menjadi punca kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.
1. Sedar Status Diri Hamba Kepada PENCIPTA
- Bekerja & Beramal 24jam Hidup & Mati
Sepenuhnya Hanya Untuk ALLAH SWT
- Bertaubat Nasuha lah Dengan Sebenar-benar
Taubat Dari Segala Dosa & Kesalahan Yang
Telah/Sedang/Akan Engkau Lakukan!
2. Menyibukkan Diri Beramal Ibadah
ALLAH SWT tidak sia-siakan pengabdian diri hamba-NYA, seperti firman-NYA dalam Hadis Qudsi : “Wahai anak Adam, sempatkanlah untuk menyembah-KU maka AKU akan membuat hatimu kaya dan menutup kefakiranmu. Jika tidak melakukannya maka AKU akan penuhi tanganmu dengan kesibukan dan AKU tidak menutup kefakiranmu.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan Al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah RA.)
- Bekerja & Beramal 24jam Hidup & Mati
Sepenuhnya Hanya Untuk ALLAH SWT
- Bertaubat Nasuha lah Dengan Sebenar-benar
Taubat Dari Segala Dosa & Kesalahan Yang
Telah/Sedang/Akan Engkau Lakukan!
2. Menyibukkan Diri Beramal Ibadah
ALLAH SWT tidak sia-siakan pengabdian diri hamba-NYA, seperti firman-NYA dalam Hadis Qudsi : “Wahai anak Adam, sempatkanlah untuk menyembah-KU maka AKU akan membuat hatimu kaya dan menutup kefakiranmu. Jika tidak melakukannya maka AKU akan penuhi tanganmu dengan kesibukan dan AKU tidak menutup kefakiranmu.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan Al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah RA.)
2. Memperbanyak Istighfar
Istighfar adalah rintihan dan pengakuan dosa seorang hamba di depan Allah , yang menjadi sebab Allah jatuh kasih dan kasihan pada hamba-Nya lalu Dia berkenan melapangkan jiwa dan kehidupan si hamba. Sabda Nabi SAW :
“Barang siapa memperbanyak istighfar maka Allah s.w.t akan menghapuskan segala kedukaannya, menyelesaikan segala masalahnya dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abdullah bin Abbas RA.)
Istighfar adalah rintihan dan pengakuan dosa seorang hamba di depan Allah , yang menjadi sebab Allah jatuh kasih dan kasihan pada hamba-Nya lalu Dia berkenan melapangkan jiwa dan kehidupan si hamba. Sabda Nabi SAW :
“Barang siapa memperbanyak istighfar maka Allah s.w.t akan menghapuskan segala kedukaannya, menyelesaikan segala masalahnya dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud, an-Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abdullah bin Abbas RA.)
3. Tinggalkan Perbuatan Dosa
Istighfar tidak laku di sisi Allah jika masih buat dosa. Dosa bukan saja membuat hati resah malah menutup pintu rezeki. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“… dan seorang lelaki akan diharamkan baginya rezeki kerana dosa yang dibuatnya.” (Riwayat at-Tirmizi)
Istighfar tidak laku di sisi Allah jika masih buat dosa. Dosa bukan saja membuat hati resah malah menutup pintu rezeki. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“… dan seorang lelaki akan diharamkan baginya rezeki kerana dosa yang dibuatnya.” (Riwayat at-Tirmizi)
4. Sentiasa Ingat Allah
Banyak ingat Allah buatkan hati tenang dan kehidupan terasa lapang. Ini rezeki yang hanya Allah beri kepada orang beriman. Firman-Nya:
“(iaitu) orang-orang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah . Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenteram.” (QS Ar-ra’d: 28)
Banyak ingat Allah buatkan hati tenang dan kehidupan terasa lapang. Ini rezeki yang hanya Allah beri kepada orang beriman. Firman-Nya:
“(iaitu) orang-orang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah . Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenteram.” (QS Ar-ra’d: 28)
5. Berbakti dan Mendoakan Ibu Bapa
Dalam hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad, Rasulullah s.a.w. berpesan agar siapa yang ingin panjang umur dan ditambahi rezekinya, hendaklah berbakti kepada ibu bapanya dan menyambung tali kekeluargaan. Baginda s.a.w. juga bersabda:
“Siapa berbakti kepada ibu bapanya maka kebahagiaanlah buatnya dan Allah akan memanjangkan umurnya.” (Riwayat Abu Ya’ala, at-Tabrani, al-Asybahani dan al-Hakim)
Mendoakan ibu bapa juga menjadi sebab mengalirnya rezeki, berdasarkan sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Apabila hamba itu meninggalkan berdoa kepada kedua orang tuanya nescaya terputuslah rezeki (Allah ) daripadanya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan ad-Dailami)
Dalam hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad, Rasulullah s.a.w. berpesan agar siapa yang ingin panjang umur dan ditambahi rezekinya, hendaklah berbakti kepada ibu bapanya dan menyambung tali kekeluargaan. Baginda s.a.w. juga bersabda:
“Siapa berbakti kepada ibu bapanya maka kebahagiaanlah buatnya dan Allah akan memanjangkan umurnya.” (Riwayat Abu Ya’ala, at-Tabrani, al-Asybahani dan al-Hakim)
Mendoakan ibu bapa juga menjadi sebab mengalirnya rezeki, berdasarkan sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Apabila hamba itu meninggalkan berdoa kepada kedua orang tuanya nescaya terputuslah rezeki (Allah ) daripadanya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan ad-Dailami)
6. Berbuat Baik dan Menolong Orang yang Lemah
Berbuat baik kepada orang yang lemah ini termasuklah menggembirakan dan meraikan orang tua, orang sakit, anak yatim dan fakir miskin, juga isteri dan anak-anak yang masih kecil. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Tidaklah kamu diberi pertolongan dan diberi rezeki melainkan kerana orang-orang lemah di kalangan kamu.” (Riwayat Bukhari)
Berbuat baik kepada orang yang lemah ini termasuklah menggembirakan dan meraikan orang tua, orang sakit, anak yatim dan fakir miskin, juga isteri dan anak-anak yang masih kecil. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Tidaklah kamu diberi pertolongan dan diberi rezeki melainkan kerana orang-orang lemah di kalangan kamu.” (Riwayat Bukhari)
7. Tunaikan Hajat Orang Lain
Menunaikan hajat orang menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan rezeki dalam bentuk tertunainya hajat sendiri, seperti sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Siapa yang menunaikan hajat saudaranya maka Allah akan menunaikan hajatnya…” (Riwayat Muslim)
Menunaikan hajat orang menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan rezeki dalam bentuk tertunainya hajat sendiri, seperti sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Siapa yang menunaikan hajat saudaranya maka Allah akan menunaikan hajatnya…” (Riwayat Muslim)
8. Banyak Berselawat
Ada hadis yang menganjurkan berselawat jika hajat atau cita-cita tidak tertunai kerana selawat itu dapat menghilangkan kesusahan, kesedihan, dan kesukaran serta meluaskan rezeki dan menyebabkan terlaksananya semua hajat. Wallahu a’lam.
Ada hadis yang menganjurkan berselawat jika hajat atau cita-cita tidak tertunai kerana selawat itu dapat menghilangkan kesusahan, kesedihan, dan kesukaran serta meluaskan rezeki dan menyebabkan terlaksananya semua hajat. Wallahu a’lam.
9. Buat Kebajikan Banyak-banyak
Ibnu Abbas RA berkata:
“Sesungguhnya kebajikan itu memberi cahaya kepada hati, kemurahan rezeki, kekuatan jasad dan disayangi oleh makhluk yang lain. Manakala kejahatan pula boleh menggelapkan rupa, menggelapkan hati, melemahkan tubuh, sempit rezeki dan makhluk lain mengutuknya.”
Ibnu Abbas RA berkata:
“Sesungguhnya kebajikan itu memberi cahaya kepada hati, kemurahan rezeki, kekuatan jasad dan disayangi oleh makhluk yang lain. Manakala kejahatan pula boleh menggelapkan rupa, menggelapkan hati, melemahkan tubuh, sempit rezeki dan makhluk lain mengutuknya.”
10. Berpagi-pagian
Menurut Rasulullah SAW, berpagi-pagi (memulakan aktiviti harian sebaik-baik selesai solat Subuh berjemaah) adalah amalan yang berkat.
Menurut Rasulullah SAW, berpagi-pagi (memulakan aktiviti harian sebaik-baik selesai solat Subuh berjemaah) adalah amalan yang berkat.
11. Menjalin Silaturrahim
Nabi SAW bersabda:
“Barang siapa ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dilambatkan ajalnya maka hendaklah dia menghubungi sanak-saudaranya.” (Riwayat Bukhari)
Nabi SAW bersabda:
“Barang siapa ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dilambatkan ajalnya maka hendaklah dia menghubungi sanak-saudaranya.” (Riwayat Bukhari)
12. Melazimi Kekal Berwuduk
Seorang Arab desa menemui Rasulullah SAW dan meminta pedoman mengenai beberapa perkara termasuk mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh ALLAH SWT. Baginda SAW. bersabda:
“Sentiasalah berada dalam keadaan bersih (dari hadas) nescaya ALLAH akan memurahkan rezeki.” (Diriwayatkan daripada Sayidina Khalid al-Walid RA)
Seorang Arab desa menemui Rasulullah SAW dan meminta pedoman mengenai beberapa perkara termasuk mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh ALLAH SWT. Baginda SAW. bersabda:
“Sentiasalah berada dalam keadaan bersih (dari hadas) nescaya ALLAH akan memurahkan rezeki.” (Diriwayatkan daripada Sayidina Khalid al-Walid RA)
13. Banyak Bersedekah
Sedekah mengundang rahmat Allah dan menjadi sebab Allah buka pintu rezeki. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda kepada Zubair bin al-Awwam:
“Hai Zubair, ketahuilah bahawa kunci rezeki hamba itu ditentang Arasy, yang dikirim oleh Allah azza wajalla kepada setiap hamba sekadar nafkahnya. Maka siapa yang membanyakkan pemberian kepada orang lain, nescaya Allah membanyakkan baginya. Dan siapa yang menyedikitkan, nescaya Allah menyedikitkan baginya.” (Riwayat ad-Daruquthni dari Anas .a.)
Sedekah mengundang rahmat Allah dan menjadi sebab Allah buka pintu rezeki. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda kepada Zubair bin al-Awwam:
“Hai Zubair, ketahuilah bahawa kunci rezeki hamba itu ditentang Arasy, yang dikirim oleh Allah azza wajalla kepada setiap hamba sekadar nafkahnya. Maka siapa yang membanyakkan pemberian kepada orang lain, nescaya Allah membanyakkan baginya. Dan siapa yang menyedikitkan, nescaya Allah menyedikitkan baginya.” (Riwayat ad-Daruquthni dari Anas .a.)
14. Melazimi Solat Malam (Tahajud)
Ada keterangan bahawa amalan solat tahajjud memudahkan memperoleh rezeki, menjadi sebab seseorang itu dipercayai dan dihormati orang dan doanya dimakbulkan Allah .
Ada keterangan bahawa amalan solat tahajjud memudahkan memperoleh rezeki, menjadi sebab seseorang itu dipercayai dan dihormati orang dan doanya dimakbulkan Allah .
15. Melazimi Solat Dhuha
Amalan solat Dhuha yang dibuat waktu orang sedang sibuk dengan urusan dunia (aktiviti harian), juga mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Firman Allah dalam hadis qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat pada waktu permulaan siang (solat Dhuha), nanti pasti akan Aku cukupkan keperluanmu pada petang harinya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan Thabrani)
Amalan solat Dhuha yang dibuat waktu orang sedang sibuk dengan urusan dunia (aktiviti harian), juga mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Firman Allah dalam hadis qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat pada waktu permulaan siang (solat Dhuha), nanti pasti akan Aku cukupkan keperluanmu pada petang harinya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan Thabrani)
16. Sentiasa Sabar & Bersyukur Kepada ALLAH SWT dalam Apajua Keadaan
Syukur ertinya mengakui segala pemberian dan nikmat dari Allah . Lawannya adalah kufur nikmat. Allah berfirman:
“Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur, nescaya Aku tambahi nikmat-Ku kepadamu, dan demi sesungguhnya jika kamu kufur, sesungguhnya azab-Ku amat keras.” (QS Ibrahim : 7) Firman-Nya lagi: “… dan Kami akan memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur.” (QS Ali Imran : 145)
Syukur ertinya mengakui segala pemberian dan nikmat dari Allah . Lawannya adalah kufur nikmat. Allah berfirman:
“Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur, nescaya Aku tambahi nikmat-Ku kepadamu, dan demi sesungguhnya jika kamu kufur, sesungguhnya azab-Ku amat keras.” (QS Ibrahim : 7) Firman-Nya lagi: “… dan Kami akan memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur.” (QS Ali Imran : 145)
17. Mengamalkan Zikir dan Bacaan Ayat Quran Tertentu
Zikir dari ayat-ayat al-Quran atau asma’ul husna selain menenangkan, menjenihkan dan melunakkan hati, ia mengandungi fadilat khusus untuk keluasan ilmu, terbukanya pintu hidayah, dimudahkan faham agama, diberi kemanisan iman dan dilapangkan rezeki.
Misalnya, dua ayat terakhir surah at-Taubah (ayat 128-129) jika dibaca secara konsisten tujuh kali setiap kali lepas solat, dikatakan boleh menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan kehidupan dan murahkan rezeki.
Salah satu nama Allah , al-Fattah (Maha Membukakan) dikatakan dapat menjadi sebab dibukakan pintu rezeki jika diwiridkan selalu; misalnya dibaca “Ya Allah ya Fattah” berulang-ulang, diiringi doa: “Ya Allah , bukalah hati kami untuk mengenali-Mu, bukalah pintu rahmat dan keampunan-Mu, Ya Fattah ya ‘Alim.” Ada juga hadis menyebut, siapa amalkan baca surah al-Waqi’ah setiap malam, dia tidak akan ditimpa kepapaan.
Diriwayatkan salah satu amalan Jutawan Saidina Abdul Rahman b. Auf', saudagar (conglomerate) terkemuka di zaman Rasulullah sebelum dan semasa beliau berniaga adalah mengamalkan Zikir "YA' RAHMAN, YA' RAHIM, YA' RAZAKH, YA' GHANI, YA' MALIK, ALLAH HU AKBAR", dibaca berulang-ulang kali yang memungkinkan penyebab kepada bukaan pintu "Gedung Rezeki & Kekayaan" dari ALLAH SWT kepadanya, Wallahu a’lam (*Mudahan dapat kita amalkan, In syaa' ALLAH).
Zikir dari ayat-ayat al-Quran atau asma’ul husna selain menenangkan, menjenihkan dan melunakkan hati, ia mengandungi fadilat khusus untuk keluasan ilmu, terbukanya pintu hidayah, dimudahkan faham agama, diberi kemanisan iman dan dilapangkan rezeki.
Misalnya, dua ayat terakhir surah at-Taubah (ayat 128-129) jika dibaca secara konsisten tujuh kali setiap kali lepas solat, dikatakan boleh menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan kehidupan dan murahkan rezeki.
Salah satu nama Allah , al-Fattah (Maha Membukakan) dikatakan dapat menjadi sebab dibukakan pintu rezeki jika diwiridkan selalu; misalnya dibaca “Ya Allah ya Fattah” berulang-ulang, diiringi doa: “Ya Allah , bukalah hati kami untuk mengenali-Mu, bukalah pintu rahmat dan keampunan-Mu, Ya Fattah ya ‘Alim.” Ada juga hadis menyebut, siapa amalkan baca surah al-Waqi’ah setiap malam, dia tidak akan ditimpa kepapaan.
Diriwayatkan salah satu amalan Jutawan Saidina Abdul Rahman b. Auf', saudagar (conglomerate) terkemuka di zaman Rasulullah sebelum dan semasa beliau berniaga adalah mengamalkan Zikir "YA' RAHMAN, YA' RAHIM, YA' RAZAKH, YA' GHANI, YA' MALIK, ALLAH HU AKBAR", dibaca berulang-ulang kali yang memungkinkan penyebab kepada bukaan pintu "Gedung Rezeki & Kekayaan" dari ALLAH SWT kepadanya, Wallahu a’lam (*Mudahan dapat kita amalkan, In syaa' ALLAH).
18. Tidak Jemu Berdoa dengan Penuh Pengharapan dan Sepenuh Keyakinan Tanpa Ragu-ragu Anugerah Keluasan Rezeki dari ALLAH SWT
Berdoa menjadikan seorang hamba dekat dengan Allah , penuh bergantung dan mengharap pada rahmat dan pemberian dari-Nya. Dalam al-Quran, Allah suruh kita meminta kepada-Nya, nescaya Dia akan perkenankan. Soal cepat atau lambat diperkenankan doa yang kita panjatkan bukan urusan makhluk, yang penting kita wajib berdoa dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh sebagai tanda penghambaan dan pengharapan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Memberi Lagi Maha Bijaksana. KepadaNYA kita serahkan segala-gala keputusan kerana DIA Maha Mengetahui segala yang terbaik yakni apa yang patut diberikan kepada setiap hamba-hambaNYA.
Berdoa menjadikan seorang hamba dekat dengan Allah , penuh bergantung dan mengharap pada rahmat dan pemberian dari-Nya. Dalam al-Quran, Allah suruh kita meminta kepada-Nya, nescaya Dia akan perkenankan. Soal cepat atau lambat diperkenankan doa yang kita panjatkan bukan urusan makhluk, yang penting kita wajib berdoa dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh sebagai tanda penghambaan dan pengharapan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Memberi Lagi Maha Bijaksana. KepadaNYA kita serahkan segala-gala keputusan kerana DIA Maha Mengetahui segala yang terbaik yakni apa yang patut diberikan kepada setiap hamba-hambaNYA.
19. Berusaha & Berikhtiar secara Betul-betul Serius Bersungguh-sungguh
Siapa berusaha, dia akan dapat. Ini sunnatullah. Dalam satu hadis sahih dikatakan bahawa Allah berikan dunia kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya dan yang tidak dicintai-Nya, tapi agama hanya Allah beri kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya saja. (Riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan al-Hakim)
Siapa berusaha, dia akan dapat. Ini sunnatullah. Dalam satu hadis sahih dikatakan bahawa Allah berikan dunia kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya dan yang tidak dicintai-Nya, tapi agama hanya Allah beri kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya saja. (Riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan al-Hakim)
Bagi orang beriman, tentulah dia perlu mencari sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada murah rezeki dalam skop yang luas. Misalnya, hendak tenang dibacanya Quran, hendak dapat anak yang baik dididiknya sejak anak dalam rahim lagi, hendak sihat dijaganya pemakanan dan makan yang baik dan halal, hendak dapat jiran yang baik dia sendiri berusaha jadi baik, hendak rezeki berkat dijauhinya yang haram, dan sebagainya.
20. Bertawakkal Sepenuhnya kepada ALLAH SWT
Dengan tawakal, seseorang itu akan direzekikan rasa kaya dengan Allah . Firman-Nya:
“Barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah , nescaya Allah mencukupkan (keperluannya) .” (At-Thalaq: 3)
Dengan tawakal, seseorang itu akan direzekikan rasa kaya dengan Allah . Firman-Nya:
“Barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah , nescaya Allah mencukupkan (keperluannya) .” (At-Thalaq: 3)
Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
“Seandainya kamu bertawakal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakal, nescaya kamu diberi rezeki seperti burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (Riwayat Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim dari Umar bin al-Khattab .a.)
“Seandainya kamu bertawakal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakal, nescaya kamu diberi rezeki seperti burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (Riwayat Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim dari Umar bin al-Khattab .a.)
Kesemua yang disebut di atas adalah amalan-amalan yang membawa kepada takwa. Dengan takwa, Allah akan beri “jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkan) , dan memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya.” (At-Talaq: 2-3)
Pendek kata, bagi orang Islam, untuk murah rezeki dalam ertikata yang sebenarnya, kuncinya adalah buat amalan-amalan takwa. Amalan-amalan ini menjadi sebab jatuhnya kasih sayang Allah , lalu Allah limpahi hamba-Nya dengan keluasan rezeki dan rasa kaya dengan pemberian-Nya.
1. http://sunnatulhuda.com/2011/04/16/20-amalan-murah-rezeki-2/
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Chapter 2 : FAITH
Chapter 7 : DECISION
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this page exploring the real you! reveal your truly identity.. The gloriest of human life value...
1. Take all these principals to heart and get ready
you know this people? This pretty people, they are tall, slim,
handsome... They are leader of the society, very wealthy and healthy
man... they succeed in whatever they do! everything
about them was perfect and some of them was a terrible speller? not very
good in maths! do not know how to play golf? they come from an average
or poor family. They looks very ordinary, when you saw them at
moment street nothing will make a turning stare! They are always
watching his way because they like to eat a special sweet but you feel
comfortable with them rite?.. And you know beside these courage and discouraging about all
these pictures??to change your life within... 40 days! all those succeed, wealthy and pretty people nothing different like you and me!.. Let us paint you in the different picture,.. all kids are dreamers, they are born genius, imaginative, creative, magnificent and curious.... When they watch tv they saw all those great people they want to become an astronouts, the prime minister, a millionaires, a doctors, an engineers, a professors, so on.. and so on, as they watch an athelete who won a gold medal, they also want to win a gold medal and become famous.. then what happen?? what have going wrong when become adult??.. as they grewing up... they faces so many negative element and things that mum and dad don't approval..(*p/s: not every mum & dad,..) don't do that? don't touch this? stop doing that! When they go outside the environment also same to be, "You just follow these rules!!! Cannot do that, cannot do this!... otherwise???..." The conditioning process make them felt not smart anymore. They just follow what the crowd do! When they get marriage, they have a couple of kid, they get more responsible and they also need to queue for a job thats give empty of promises, they changing job 3-4 times, company promise them everything but don't deliver anything... They get more and more frustrated and totally lost ability to imagine themselves as what they want. Finally the person who want to conquer the world has giving up! They built an attitude that the world has left them back hand, Life has past me by!... Beside of having option in their life, they start just being an ordinary by accepting themselves as who they are. Kita sama saja orang biasa, apa yang lainnye? Bangun tido, keje, makan, kawin, beli kereta, beli rumah, pakai kad kredit, bayar hutang sana sini sampai tua, haa apa lagi.. tunggu mati lah! We have nothing special about ourself ???.. We are being programmed to think in this country if you were born rich at the right side of the track you are a privilege class, you get everything what you want!... if you genius with high IQ they rules you brilliance, you go to college get a degrees and you get a good job,... but if you were born poor, average or low IQ you simpan sajalah! your big hope and your big ambitions... you suppose go be a janitor, drive a truck! work as operator at factory, you go workshop become mechanics, well boo.... No one can accurately judge the person by looking at their personal background, most of the IQ and EQ are the secret and privacy inside the person.. Common senses are far more important than the book sense! Success ability and their potential lives within each of everyone. Personal integrity and ability, self awareness, success desire, determination, persistense and discipline, common knowledge and skills are the more important characters and ability influence successes...
It's not for sale! You can't go college to get it.. If you serious doing something special about your life sit down today and get start with all those principals! 2. You got to understand what you got to do to win? ....and the key of winning is fundamental ! Here are the Secrets of WINNING FORMULA, Are You Ready?!? Get Ready... Is It Talent? It's Not Looks! It Is Not a College Degree? It's Not Your Previous Background! So What Is It??? Desire! is the Secret... It was the most important ingredient in success formula! You can't see desire but you can feel it, the desire to succeed was always burnings and present in all successful people, if you have a desire to become somebody, a desire to succeed you can be anything you wanna be but if you don't?? even you have a talent, a high IQ or even you have everything else in this world going for you but you don't have a desire to become somebody, you do not want to go out there and change your own destiny, there is no hope for you!.. when we work on desire no obstacles can stop you!!!... 2(1) Desire become Concrete Form Desire gains strength when it has a concrete form! Desire work as a super powerful force that encourage and move us towards achieving our goal! "Goal setting" is the key to focus your desire into the "workable form". Setting goal make you from "want to?" into..."to do". Forcing yourself to set goal make you look deep hard inside of what your ultimate dream are? It helps you to measure a progress, in other word it keep you from cheating. You already know what to do everyday, when you wake up early in the morning! How to SET GOAL? Refer this link... 2(2) Desire become an Obsession When you make a commitment for a specific goal make it as an obsession, put it in-front of you everytime! Write it down on paper everyday, display it at the place that easy for you to see everyday (*such as at refrigerator, inside your car, at your desk,....), read it write it everyday.. always visualize your desire, see it feel it from hard deep inside of your heart everyday.. 2(3) Desire become a Commitment The third stage, when your obsession so firmly in your mind that obsession become your commitment... you start go beyond thinking and dreaming, really commit for your desire devoting an energy and start making actions to achieve it!... From our past experiences there are a few stages you will go through with pain and headache before you come to commitment level, it is not an instance, you don't development it over the night! The 1st stage : The Line Stage In your mind you not sure you can do it but you must get it back if you want to take charge of your own life. The 2nd stage : The Quiting Stage You go out there and pay a fantantic price?? you lost a permanent income as usual by replacing with income based on commission and profits maybe for 2 - 3 months or 6 months or more? you work hard over day and night but did'nt happen. You go home look at the mirror and you say to yourself; "Who are you kidding? How come somebody like you can make millions dollar of income? Throw that towel and go back to your permanent job for living" but you see there are no opportunity for you to realize your big dream by doing so!... The 3rd stage : The Pre-Commitment Stage After a few trial you get some results, you come to the situation where you feel comfortable enough with you! you start get complesant with your effort, "wooww banyak jugak aku akan dapat bulan nie, hehe..." even you think you will have it the real is you usually don't!!!... The thing that can bring you into the business class! which really making money for you, NOT the thing that make you look like you making money!... The 4th stage : The Truly Commitment Stage When will you know you are exactly in the Commitment Level? ......until the results from your true commitment start showing up, so don't give up! keep on doing it... 2(4) Desire become Endurance Your goal is a long on-going process so you must posses a " high quality endurance ! " You never know how long it takes for you to win, to make your business off the ground, really-really stable! During the first stage of your commitment (...maybe 6 months to 3 years) if everything that can go wrong will go wrong! If your endurance not strong enough you may pack off the bag and go home for the first week!.. The message here is "It's hard to make a true commitment, it's not over night decision it's a long on going process..."
5.Your Attitude determines your Altitude 4. You know what???? You don't need anybody else to help you to win !.. The power and ability is already built-in inside you, If you want to win? here is the first step... You Got to Start Believing In You Again! Believe In Yourself Is "POWER" ! 4(1) The Key Is Believe In You! You must believe with yourself and our background and the God gave a potential, don't try to change it to suite with other people... Let anybody else appreciate you in who you are! 4(2) 2/3 In Our Mind! Henry Ford said; "If you think you can, yessssss you are rite..." 4(3) You must condition yourself to win! Nobody else can help you... Your friend can't help you, your relatives also can't help you or even your spouse can't do it for you... 4(4) Stop Telling Yourself What You Can't Do! Start Thinking What Do You Really Want From Life???... retrieve all those dreams... 4(5) We believe the no.1 problem happen in our society today islack in believe in themself ! once somebody else being put you down? and you can't get it back but you must get it back to take charge of your own life.. The key is believe in you, the society may not believe in you? your friends may not? your relatives also may not believe in you? your spouse also may not believe in you?... BUT if you believe, none of that were matter! If you don't? No one else were neither... No one will believe in you! They feel nobody will going to help them, they don't have a chance? Wrong again... You don't need anybody else, the power is already inside you! There are still time left for you to be the person you wanna be, to do that you must have power principle inside your mind... *Power Principle Number One (1); you got to demand for your self happiness and success!*Power Principle Number Two (2); *Power Principle Number Three (3); *Power Principle Number Four (4); "You can change" people who live rich in the pan-house, famous, become a millionaire.. or succeeding in achieving their ambitions we don't think it happen by a chance! what we found in our study all those succeeded people the definite reason why they ??.. *Power Principle Number Five (5); 4(6) Always being exciting! whatever the situation are? always being exciting! during the good time even in the bad time... Most people can stay exciting for 2 to 3 months, a few people can stay exciting for 2 to 3 years, but the winners will stay exciting 20 to 30 years or no matter how long it takes to win!!!.. Folks you can feel life as a beautiful wonderful experience, you also can turn it as a pain in the neck! You got to make a decision? You must alwiz be you about yourself, your family, your business, your people! It easy to stay exciting when the things going great, the tough thing is to stay exciting when the thing not going so great? when you not feel good! or you have fight with your spouse? or your business like to fall into the tune... no matter how long it takes for you to win! no matter how high the price you are going to pay? always being exciting... 4(7) If you don't stand for something, you fall for everything. It's true! Many of us so afraid to take a stand of what they believe?... They take somebody else to speak up for what they believe. The other choice is to do what is wrong and it not for do it, If you have a strong stand-up you will have all you stand for! Don't get me wrong? I never say making will going to be easy, I just say it going to be worthy.. Each by each: Always be positive, Never give-up........... 4(9) Self Esteem 4(10)Each step in achieving your goals are Dividen and bonus Awarded with a lot of pahala, WoOWww!.It's teriffic, all you need to do is to believe you deserve a place in this world and determination, Go Get It Dude! No one will come along tap you on the show, hang on opportunity but guess what? You got to demand that for yourself...
5. The fact is life won't give you what want? life also won't give you what you don't want.. but, life will give you whatever you accept! If you accept being ordinary life will make you ordinary! If you accept being unhappy life will make you unhappy! If you accept being lazy of course life will allow you lazy, If you accept having financial problem? life will give you a lot of financial problem.. but the good news are these! you don't have to take it, you don't need to continue life this way... you don't need to hear anybody else who put you down!... if you don't accept all those things in most area of your life you can have almost anything that you want, what do you really want??? life will turn out on how you looks it turning out...
6. You can do two (2) things to help you stay up; 1st : Don't Compare Yourself to Others, Give Yourself a Chance.. Most of the millionaires and billionaires of tomorrow are the person who begins from low level like us, it has been proven through the history. You must believe that!2nd : Don't let the looser, the complainer, the weaker, the blamer, the justifier, the poor mouler change you and make you like them. Don't be taking a stand the people who complain as the way of life!!... You got to eliminate all these negative habits as soon as possible. Take stand away from those negative people! ..or help them to be positive. Some people are just drain a batteries, they look bad in everything, in every single area, you know that type! The ability how you dealing with all these negative emotions will determine either your business take off or fall flat!
your ambitions, let your mind open-up for all the possibilities, do remember all those dream as you do during a youngster, at school, at college? or what you always dream about to have to succeed so on and so on??? You can do so if you let your imagination go free... 7(1) Whatever Your Dreaming About? Yesss!!! You Can Become!.. Folks,... when we grewing up by surrounding with so many negative elements in our life, its getting hard and harder for us to believe that we have a greatest inner strength and a super extra potential given by God to each of us! We felt that the world so revival on us, so unattainable... We felt that all those big dreams too far away from us! Unbelievable! Unachievable! Our self-esteem so hard to believe that we can do it!... Its getting more harder with our negative thought "all those are created only for special person, for those who born rich who born genius at the right track..." Folks, the most backrupt people are the person who lost their ability to dream but whateva the problem is you are born to live in the way you dreaming about!... 7(2) Imagine Your Prefered Future, You Achieved What You Envision... What You See You Become! 7(3) Practise Dreaming Everyday, Play the Screen of What You Want to Be Everytime.. 7(4) You and Only You Can Go Out There and Make Your Dream Reality!!! Whatever your age and level are? It's not too late to change... It's still time left for you to jump back on the game! 7(5) Dream Big but Keep It Simple! 7(6) Put your dream foremost in-front in whatever the situation are especially during difficulties and defeateness, play the screen of your mind about your goals everytime...
The winners always think and talk about solutions... The negative thinker continually think and talk about the problem! 8(1) Here are the secret of winning in whateva area you choose in life! Are you ready? Always be Positive! (+ve) Always be Positive! (+ve) Always be Positive! (+ve) 8(2) Our Conscious Mind only can handle one (1) thought at one time, so keep our mind positive because the goal is a positive thought.. 8(3)The Power of the Positive Words
Down to Something Simple, Make It Simple!.. We certainly don't understand why so many people fall into this trap? With complex modern technology we develop today we make it use for us for the simple but we come to associate what is complex with what will work?? The more complex something is the more valuable it is, Wrong(3x... Complicated May Work for Machine but It Does't Work for People!... There was a story where the son of a famous beverages millionaire in united state which has been so long involved in business. His dad quite confused what kind of business of his son doing, until now there are still do not shows any result and progress. One day this dad ask his son; "Son, what are you doin now?" His son replied: "Dad, I am very busy applying a strategic planning I learn in college and now I am setting up this latest computer system." His dad replied: "Son! Until we have customers, we do not need this computer system, we do not need a beautiful office or even a desk. In business we need customers". By listen an advised from his father and combined it with strategic planning he had learned in college, his business was successfully widely cross over the nation. Until this day, he is still no office and desk when they ask why? He say because he can't sell anything to a desk... What the fabulous lesson in business? We cannot let the complex modern technology influence us in way how we run our business or in our daily life, this criticals... How many people start-up their business traped into this simple situation? Don't wait until everything were complete in front you... Now you need a plan? That's critical...and you increase your chance of winning when you keep that plan simple! maybe you try to boost sales from your retail store keep it simple, or you try to solve a problem occur in your office? Make it simple. Whatever the problems are look from the stands for how can we reduce from something complicated down to something simple!..
Hmm,... there are a little bit outrageous in Tokyo? We found there are a lot different between folks who live here and the folks where I came from ! They go office a little bit earlier,.. They walk a little bit fastest,.. They work a much more longer,... That's the reason why business doing so well... Can you guess??? People are People Everywhere, There are Nothing Different About People in This World?? The Difference Only in Their The people who succeed, they work hard a little bit more... They pay the price a little bit more... They are a good people a little bit more... They commited a little bit more... 11. Business, Sales and Marketing may not be your match, but whatever area you choose are?.. Take it serious as "Ibadah Amal Soleh" as you do it for ALLAH SWT.. Whateva we do everything will be judge by ALLAH SWT the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, the All-Seing, every single part will be captured and recorded by Malaikat Hafazah, Kiraman Katibin, Raqib and Atid therefore.. Logically our results should be better, greater & higher from those japanese, chinese, european, american, deutsche even jews in every successful part of living duniawi and ukhrawi!!
13. The 25 Keys of Master Brilliance: IQ + EQ + PQ + FQ + I2Q + SQ + ImQ + SyQ + AsQ + TqQ + ZQ + AtQ + ... IQ = Intelligent Quotient EQ = Emotional Quotient PQ = Physical Quotient FQ = Financial Quotient I2Q = Instuation (Sixth Sense) Quotient SQ = Spiritual Quotient RQ = Religious Quotient, Iman Q, Zuhud Q, Amal Soleh Q, Taqwa Q, Akhlak Terpuji Q, Syukur Q Apa khabar "Iman" kita hari ini? Di tahap mana "Taqwa" kita ketika ini? Banyak mana "Amal Soleh" kita sehingga ke hari ini? Sudah cukupkah "Persediaan" kita bertemu ILAHI? Sejauhmana "Kecintaan" kita pada ALLAH Rabbul Izzati, Tuhan yang telah menciptakan kita dari tiada apa-apa langsung kepada penuh dengan rezeki, nikmat, anugerah dan rahmatNya yang kita perolehi sekarang ini? Setinggi mana juga kecintaan kita pada Baginda Nabi SAW? Sudahkah kita "Berselawat" pada Baginda hari ini? Jika benar kita mencintai ILAHI adakah telah kita buktikan dengan mentaati segala perintahNYA serta menjauhi segala laranganNYA? Siapakah "Teman Sejati" kita setiap hari? Al-Qur'an Nur Qarim atau keindahan dunia yang fana ini? Apakah bibir kita? fikiran kita? hati kita? fizikal & perbuatan kita? basah dengan "Dzikrullah dan Amal Kebaikan" di setiap lapangan setiap detik waktu kehidupan? 14. Raise Your Standard! Question Yourself? Someone special and powerful like you, actually what is your income standard???... RM300/Month? RM2000? RM5000? RM15,000? RM50,000? RM500,000? RM1,000,000? or More?
What is subconscious mind? subconscious mind are all the programmes inside our brain! All the rules and believes either true or false that has been accepted by us we call it as our subconscious. When we believe something it will automatically programmed into our subconscious. We easily can recall, retrieve and remember it anytime. We also will simply follow by making it as our true believe! If we believe something good and real true it will give us a very powerful strength and true direction towards discover and faces our success and incredible life journey but the problem here, Do our believe is true?? Most of us just accept what other people think about us and we believe it as true for us, or just because of our daily ordinary life and our environment just like that... So we just follow the crowd!Let we think for a moment of a few fundamental believe questions below... Do you believe you can become rich? you can become a millionaire? of course yes! who said you cannot become rich and cannot become millionaire?????Do you believe you are the genius and intelligent? of course yes! who said you cannot become intelligent???Do you believe you are the handsome? beautiful? of course yes! who said you are not handsome and beautiful??Do you believe you can own and drive a BMW 7 Series? of course yess! who said you cannot have BMW 7Series?Do you believe you become healthy? you can success? of course yes! who said you cannot become healthy and success???Re-programme back our subconscious mind; 17(1) R e p e a t a t i o n Always repeat many and many times the positive words,... the positive image and visualizations you wanna be... #such as ; I'm Intelligent! I'm Genius.. I am a Soleh Healthy Multi+Millionaire I'm Happy, Lovin & Caring I'm Positive & Husnu'zon The Older I am, The Healthier I Become.. Yess! I can do it, I will get it! Thats new Mercedes S-Class will be mine! so on and so on... 17(2) B e l i e v e is the very important element in reprogramming our subconscious. You must compulsory believe beyond the shadow of the doubt that you can have it! you can achieve it! make your goals your dream believable otherwise if your mind can't accept it... there is no use for subconscious to work in realize it into the reality 17(3) C l e a r You must be able to Crystalize your desire, that mental image must be very clear in your mind screen exactly as in reality, the clear, vivid and specific it is the easier your subconscious to work in transmuting that image into the reality... 18. You Got to Compete! Find your benchmark?? Never Stop Competing... Do you remember when did the last time you have to compete? at school? at college? The competition is not over! The real competition is the competition of about our life... 19. Before you can be great! You got to be good... Before you can be good! You got to be bad... But even before you got to be bad ? You got to try... If you just try right now! You on your way... Don't worry about that, the score will coming soon or later... 20. During the good time don't get complesant, during the bad time don't start downing either to do or not,.. Stay Up, Stay Inspired, Always Blowing and Going.. Your people should never see you negative, they must always see you positive, alwizz blowing and going!.
21. GOAL SETTING, is the very important tool in realization of our dream. All peak performer, great achiever use this tool in accomplishing their desire. When we have goal we will develop an energy, a focus, a channel and a force for accomplishment. One thing to remember is if you can crystalize your desire, if you capable to wrote down your dream on paper means you can achieve it! this is the law of nature (*sunatullah) at the moment give you a desire for a dream and at the same time give you the ability for accomplishment. The question is how willing you pay the price to achieve it?? because all limitation only in our own mind, it does't contains in physical reality... 21(1) Identify Your Goal! Try to give a time take a pen and paper, concentrate, force yourself and answer to all these questions; (A) What most five (5) things that you sacrifies the most? that you fight for? that you desire the most? (B) If you have only six (6) months to live, what will you do with the rest time left?... Meaning that if you know 6 months from now you will going to be droped stone death what will you do??? (C) Let say you won a show games? or a lottery? today with RM$1,000,000 cash prize what would you spend the most with all that money? (D) If you are given of no limitation whatever you want to talk? What would you talk about? Meaning that you have all power in the world, all time and money what would you want to be? (E) Let say you receive a wish from God to accomplish everything you want in this world? What you demand the most? What will you request the most? (F) Within 30 seconds list down, write down five (5) the most things you ever most wanted in this life... Meaning that you have no mental & physical limitation, what will you do?... (G) If you know beyond thinking of three (3) things if you do that you could not fail! What that were three (3) things? (H) What are the things that you always wanted to do? always love to do but you afraid or you feels shame to do it??... Try to write down all the answers in a piece of paper... These questions are very important in identifying your ultimate goals are? If you capable to wrote down the answers means you can have it! The law of nature (*sunatullah) do not ever limit our ability our dream to have whatever we want... All frightens all limitations are only a limit in our mind either by a conditioning process in our daily life or just a phycological fear we create that nothing to do with reality... 21(2) Always have Goal Getting Better Everyday 21(3) How To Set Goal? Aim for the*Stars... Set goal that cause you to stretch.. Be realistic! Step-by-step, a challenging goal... make your goal believable but not too easy.. Set the "time limit"... 21(4) Goal Seeking Mechanism 21(5) Your Goal as Your Dream Focus Tool 21(6) The Power of Passion 21(7) The Power of LOVE
22(1) Always See How Great Your Life As A Winner! Become Successful... Always Think About Reaching Your Goal Everyday, Make It As A Part As You Are Breathing, Hang on to that good feeling... Demand your own success?? #Such as... # How Great It Will... During Money Withdrawal with RM$1,000,000 in Your Maybank Saving Account.. Wow! Astonishing.. Your friends get shock with so many ,000,000 zero digits shows at ATM machine. # How terrific become a "Professor" when you are invited as a guest speaker at an International Forum in Geneve, Harvard, Berlin, Cape Town, Seoul ++ <OR> You are invited as a Visited Professor at the University of Cambridge, NUS, University of Helsinki, MIT, University of Tokyo, Al-Azhar University. You set-up many foundations and charity club and also a member of an advisory council for the government, organizations, club and company, so on.. and so on.... Woww! that's marvellous... # You are driving your ultimate sports car such as Ferrari Enzo, Mercedes Benz AMG E-300, Honda Civic 2.0 iVTEC, Brabus CV12 Biturbo, Lotus Elise, Alpina B5, Porsche Carrera, Acura RL 3.7+ # Your business empire grows worldwide... Woww! Amazing... You have a HQ, branches, factories ++ and you always travel to expand your business from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu, Jakarta, Singapore, Perth, Paris, London, Dusseldorf, Nagoya, Shanghai, Hong Kong, New York, Riyadh,.. 22(2) 23. How To Turn Pain Into Pleasure? Turn negative habits into positive? Hmm, but how? Tepuk dada tanya Iman... 24.Whatever We Focus Will Increase! 24(1) Focus on What Generate Incomes, Put your time and effort on this area! Take actions on it... Don't just sit on your easy chair all the day try to analyse what wrong with your business, you never generate an income!.. To be successful in business we got to take actions.... 24(2) Focus on Achieving Your Goals 24(3) Focus on Positive Habits, Sifat Mahmudah, Akhlak Terpuji... 24(4) Focus on Multiple Successes 24(5) Focus on What You Really Want?? 24(6) Focus on Mengumpul Sebanyak-banyak Amal-amal Soleh, Pahala, Keampunan, Kasih Sayang, Rahmat dan Rezeki serta Taufik Hidayah Petunjuk ALLAH S.W.T sebanyak-banyaknya, Bekalan ke Akhirat... 24(7) Focus on Your Net Worth 24(8) Focus on Happie Family 24(9) Focus on Healthy Physical Body, Positive Mind and Soul 24(10) Focus on Successful Great Life 24(11) Focus on Super Geniuses & Super Intelligence 24(12) Focus on Doctor (Dr.), Professor (Prof.) or Engineer (Ir.) Status 24(13) Focus on Your Target Income RM12000? RM25000? RM100,000? 24(14) Focus on 30A+ 4.00 CGPA The Royal List 24(15) Focus on The Best Department 24(16) Focus on The Top Sales Person 24(17) Focus on Top 5 - First Class World Universities 24(18) Focus on Increase of 20% Nett Profit Margins for the Next Month 24(19) Focus on Increasing Your Assets, Properties and Investment 24(20) Focus on Develpn Ur' Multinational Conglomerate Empire 24(21) Focus on Dianugerahi Jannatul Firdaus, 'Adnin, Na'iim, Mak'wa, Darussalaam, Daarul Muaqaamah, Al-Muqqamul Amin atau Syurga Khuldi, Insya'ALLAH. 24(22) Focus on Loving, Happy, Caring, Positive, Success, Hus'nuzon, Proactive, Dynamic & Beyond Habit Attitude Personality
27(1) Law of Attraction : You are what you think you are! Learn this very-very powerful law! What do you really want??? Do you want to become a millionaire??? Do you want success??? Do you want happiness??? Do you want a Mercedes S-Class??? Do you want RM$1,000,000.00 in your saving account??? Do you want a beautiful wife / handsome husband??? Do you want to become intelligent??? Do you want healthy??? Do you want to become a professor, doctor, engineer??? Do you want to have a successful Multi-Giant Corporation?? Do you want a big villa house up-hill there??? What do you really want???????? we all working towards one infinite power? we all guide ourself exactly by the same law... the created law of the universe are so precise, we do not have any difficult in building spaceship, we send people to the moon and we can time a landing with precision of every fraction of the second... it's don't care either you are melayu? deutsche? african? indian? chinese? arabic? australian? french? japanese? american? jew? it's one law.."The Law of Attraction", you actually entering the world of quantum thought... What do you really want??? If you see it in here (mind), you gonna hold it here (hand)!. everything comes to you, you are attract it into your life, and it attracted to you by the virtual of the images that we hold it in our mind (*our thinking.. when we go back through the history there are about only 1% of the population in the ancient babylonian people who conquering the wealth at their time, and it also equal when we look at other previous century (around 5-20% these extraordinary people who earns most of the wealth at their time... do you think this happen by the accident? it's no accident!!! They always know this, it was design that way... "they understand something"... there are a small selected people who understand this thing, and you are now being introducing to this Precious..
that frequency! when we think on something we actually activating thought! we attract that thought that feeling into our life world,... we send a magnetic signal go through the universe reflecting on what we think and what we feels about? we send signal everything every seconds including what we complaining about? do you know where does all these signals go, WHO receive all these messages?? fikir-fikirkan..so be careful of what you thinking, select your thought carefully, you do not need to say it because the Sunatullah directly response based on your thought,... what you think? and what you feels will reflected back to you in parallel actions way by the universe! so it's very important for you to feel good! positive! It keep you on track and grow you higher and higher... Law of attraction is always working to every single person, either you believe it, understand or not!... what you think and what you feels and what is manifest is always be a match, every single time!.. How to benefit this law? 1) YOU MUST ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT? How to ask? Just imagine how you ask when you want to buy something at supermarket? You refer to a catalogue, you saw that things here and there... oOooo yess yessss.... i want this, and this.... and also this, all these marvellooous.... Same situation how to ask from ALLAH SWT; "Berdoa" dengan 100% penuh yakin tanpa ragu-ragu sedikit pun akan mendapatnya, merendah diri serta betul-betul serius bersungguh-sungguh minta apa sahaja yang anda mahu "in Specific!... describe what you want in... clear, precise, detail, explain to God why you acquire it??? explain kebaikan-kebaikan yang akan anda manfaatkan? salurkan? kongsikan? sumbangkan? bila dapat apa yang di pinta.. Selalu berdoa tanpa jemu-jemu dengan serius menangis-nangis mohon kepada ALLAH SWT dikabulkan permintaan, jika susah nak nangis buat-buat nangis dalam keadaan bersungguh-sungguh.. "Berdoalah kepada Tuhanmu dengan merendah diri dan suara yang lembut. Sesungguhnya ALLAH tidak menyukai orang-orang yang melampaui batas. Dan janganlah kamu membuat kerosakan di muka bumi, sesudah ALLAH memperbaikinya dan berdoalah kepada-NYA dengan rasa takut (tidak akan diterima) dan harapan (akan dikabulkan). Sesungguhnya rahmat ALLAH amat dekat kepada orang-orang yang berbuat baik. (Surah Al-A'raaf : 55-56) Doa yang selalu kita lakukan tanpa jemu-jemu ini sangat penting kerana ia merupakan isyarat frekuensi kesungguhan permohonan kita kepada ILAHI secara konsisten, Panjatkan segala-puji-pujian hanya kepada ALLAH SWT, Tuhan Yang Maha Pemberi Kurnia,. dengan penuh ikhlas bersungguh-sungguh. It is very-very fun!... So simple so easy so enjoyable, as universe as a product catalogue everything you want in this world,.... Write whatever you want in presence tense, in complete vivid detail, put it the way you can see it everyday... such as... I have a very beautiful designable 2-tiers "Villa house in garden" painted in a gold shining color with marvellous dining hall, an elegance sofa and soft tarbustan carpets in my tremendous ruang tamu, 2 large master bedrooms, 4 others bedrooms, 4 beautiful and clean restrooms, a balcony, surrounded with amazing fresh & beautiful garden, flowers, fruits trees, a vegetables and a herbs corner, an amazing fishes pond, a huge aquarium, I have a sports centre, a library, a massage, OSIM i-Medics and stone therapy... Alhamdulillah syukur Ya' ALLAH Ya' Tuhanku,.. In shaa' ALLAH i will parked my new; Ferrari Enzo 5.5 (North):My Super Highspeed Car , or Lamborghini Reventon 6.0 (South):My Highspeed Car or Mercedes Benz AMG E300 :Business Executive Car, or Honda Accord 2.4 iVTEC 2014:Long-Distance Travel Car or Toyota Estima 3.5 :Family Travel MPV, or Acura RLX 3.7 :Long-Distance Travel Car , or Subaru Impreza 4.2 :Off-Road Travel Car, or Mitsubishi Triton 3.5 :Offroad Truck, or BMW 6 Series :My Mum & Daddy Car, or Daihatsu Recreational Pick-up :Recreational Cabin Van, or Hyundai Grand Starex 2.5 :Business Travelling Coach MPV, or Proton Inspira (A) 2.0 :Business Travelling Coach Car, or Aprilia RSV 1000RF Factory :Superbike, or Kriss Modenas 115 :Cute Motorcycle, or Fuji Cambridge Antic Speed-bike : Light Race Alloy Antic Bike,
Your Lovely Touring Bicycle! Huhu...Enjoy
or LAIKA IVECO CARAVAN here! Hmm, at this my garden parking area, woww beshnyeee.... in every single area you want to be?... write it down, everything! you can start feel it now, even you have nothing rite now!... you can feel hapiness rite now, you can feel prosperous rite now, you can feel genius rite now, you can feel healthy rite now, you can feel riches rite now, you can feel having a soul mate rite now, and from nothing, what will happen? the way will be made, the sunatullah will... 2) ANSWER, to what you want everytime, in every second!.. You do not need to answer this because this is not your job! The way to achieve it will be shown to you by; ALLAH SWT THE ALMIGHTY THE ALL WISE Who know the harmonies way how and when it will delivered to you, you don't know how ? you will attracted that ways... 3) RECEIVING STAGE, the most important part that you must understand is to bring yourself allignment with what you asking for... 200% Tawakkal kpd ALLAH SWT, apa sahaja yang kita "Doa" semuanya menjadi hak mutlak Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa untuk diberikan atau tidak? Cepat atau lambat kepada kita, therefore we must compulsary 200% tawakkal dengan penuh mengharap kepadaNya tanpa ragu-ragu serta tidak sedikit pun berputus-asa harapan untuk dianugerahkan apa yang kita pinta. Sesungguhnya ALLAH SWT Maha Pemberi Kurnia, Maha Kaya, Dialah ALLAH Yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki, Maha Pemberi Nikmat, Maha Pemberi Petunjuk, Tempat Meminta, Maha Pemberi Manfaat dan Maha Memudaratkan, Maha Memuliakan dan Maha Menghinakan, Maha Menyakitkan dan Maha Penyembuh, Maha Mendengar dan Maha Melihat, Maha Perkasa, Maha Bijaksana, Maha Terpuji, Maha Agung, Maha Adil, Maha Segala-galanya, jadi mintalah apa sahaja segala-gala yang anda mahu terus kepada NYA, hanya kepada-NYA lah manusia WAJIB bertawakkal, meminta tolong dan berdoa dengan penuh takut dan mengharap; If you asking to become RICH or MILLIONAIRE? You must be allignment with what you asking for.. What did the soleh rich people do? They always think have a lot of money, assets, properties, businesses, investments? They have a goals, a plan, a dreams, a visions. They positive, alwizz zakat, sedeqah jariah... They are very-very hardworking and smart ! Surround yourself with all those millionaires! get their aura, their feelin, their excitement! If you asking to become a PROFESSOR? You must allignment with what you request for.. What did the great professors do?? ..Surround yourself with all those professors!If you asking to become SOLEH/SOLEHAH? You must allignment with what you asking for? ..Surround yourself with all those soleh persons! IN SHAA' ALLAH Attract that positive feeling that environment into your world! Gratitude; Alwizz say thank you, Alhamdulillah... alwizz bersyukur to ALLAH S.W.T, "Thank you ALLAH, Alhamdulillah syukur kerana menghidupkan ku pada hari yang sangat wonderful ini, Kau anugerahkan ku kesihatan dan dari segenab anggota badan yang sangat ajaib dan hebat, Kau anugerahkan ku keluarga yang bahagia, apabila aku lapar Kau anugerah ku rezeki makanan yang sangat lazat, Alhamdulillah sedapnyeee nasi goreng kampong dan buah epal ini Ya' ALLAH... enjoy whateva nikmat that ALLAH has gave you...Bersyukur serta tahu berterima kasih kepadaNya, Insya'ALLAH terlalu banyak lagi anugerahNya yang akan kita dapat, aminnnn..." Start with practise gratitude everyday every time especially when you wake-up early in the morning and retiring sleep at nite, It will shaping your energy and focus directly to what you really want,.. directly to your dream,.. "Barangsiapa yang bertaqwa kepada ALLAH nescaya Dia akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar. Dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tiada disangka-sangkanya. Dan barang siapa yang bertawakkal kepada ALLAH nescaya ALLAH akan mencukupkan keperluannya. Sesungguhnya ALLAH melaksanakan urusan yang dikehendakiNYA. Sesungguhnya ALLAH telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu. (Surah Ath-Thalaaq : 2-3) alwizz bertaubat to ALLAH S.W.T, alwizz taat semua perintah ALLAH S.W.T, ikuti semua sunnah Rasullullah S.A.W, alwizz mention (by saying, thinking, writing) what you want in aloud,... especially when you wake up early in the morning and before retiring sleep at night (*dgn penuh semangat!!! energetic! lets this magnetic hope frequency energize and flow through our wholly cells and body... alwizz positive, berbaik-sangka (husnu'zon)... don't ever let any of negative feeling surround you,... when you feel down quickly switch to something beautiful such as cepat-cepat istigfar, cepat-cepat ingat kebesaran dan keagungan ALLAH SWT, bagaimana ALLAH ciptakan kita dari tiada kepada keadaan kita sekarang yang sangat hebat ini, masya'ALLAH, bagaimana ALLAH ciptakan segala isi bumi dan planet-planet, matahari, bulan, bintang-bintang, ribuan sistem galaxy yang tak terkira besarnya? serta segala makhlukNya yang dapat kita lihat mahupun yang tidak mampu langsung kita mengetahuinya, masya'ALLAH... ALLAH The Almighty The All Wise, bagaimana ALLAH beri kita makan dari segala macam nikmat makanan dan minuman yang lazat-lazat, bukan kita saja yang ALLAH bagi makan malahan semua makhlukNya semut-semut yang tidak terkira banyaknya? berbillion-billion quadrillion ikan di laut? burung-burung di udara? tumbuh-tumbuhan? dan segala macam rupa lagi makhluk, masya'ALLAH... bagaimana ALLAH ciptakan Syurga dan segala keindahannya dan nikmat yang kekal abadi untuk hamba-hambaNya yg sabar hadapi ujian, yang soleh dan taat perintahNya, masya'ALLAH, ALLAH Maha Besar Maha Hebat Maha Penyayang... or start singing your favorite song? ...or thinking of the baby, your cute kids, your preety wife/husband, your favrite music, playing with your pet, your great last dinner at steamboat restaurant? cepat-cepat pergi pancing ikan kerapu dan ikan pari kat pantai sedili atau mersing sana, go swimming, jalan-jalan cari makan?, have a fantastic vacations++... we guarantee you will feel good! Visualize; What do you really want??? Our job as human is to make absolutely clear, precise, complete, vivid and detail in our mind... and from there we are going to access the most powerful law in this universe... If you want money? attract to it... If you want happiness? attract to it... If you want beautiful wife? attract to it... If you want healthy? attract to it... If you want a solitaire gold ring? attract to it... If you want to become rich? attract to it... If you want become genius? attract to it... If you want Mercedes AMG E-Klasse? attract to it.. If you want Ph.D? attract to it... If you want to become soleh, a good person? attract to it... You got to pay attention to what you attract! What do you really want???? Focus on it!... Try to generate a feeling to have it now such as; * go test drive your dream car, * print out your dream degree, master, ph.d, * wrote down your prefered check amount, * take your picture with your dream home, * draw your Group of Companies empire! * go shopping mall buat-buat macam nak beli barang-barang yang anda ingini.. When you *VISUALIZE of what you want, when the picture of your prefered future coming in playing in your mind, Alwizz & Only dwell upon to "END RESULT" of what you want... +FEELING the joys feel the happiness of holographic visualization moment of what you want, feel it exactly as in reality, yeehaaa woohoo.. close your eyes, come on! try it, its fantastics... The universe like a speed !... When the opportunity was there? When the impulse was there, don't delay! don't second guess! don't doubt! don't wait! GOOOO! GRAB IT!... Acts! (*This is our job... Created Healing System (CHS) (*Semuanya hanya dengan izin ALLAH SWT semata! ALLAH SWT menciptakan penyakit dengan kekuasaanNYA maka DIA jualah yang Maha Menyembuhkannya. This topic exploring one of the great internal human system namely CHS created by ALLAH SWT for human being, thanks to ALLAH SWT, Alhamdulillah...) Activating the "Super Created Doctor" inside our body for total healthiness, In sya' ALLAH. ....................... .......................
All that not our job!!!!! If you do a little research on how...??? Our job is just to Doa & Usaha bersungguh-sungguh and the GOD will response, In syaa' ALLAH... 27(2) Law of Average : ? 27(3) Law of Service : What can we serve them in order to get them to serve us? to cooperate with us? What can we put in to get an outcome? 27(4) Law of Sewing and Ripping : What we riped today is the result of what we sewed in the past.. 27(5) Law of Return : ? 27(6) Law of Cause and Effects : Every cause has its own effects.. 27(7) Law of Use : We have to use it or loose it? 27(8) Law of Compensation : every action has an equal and/or opposite reactions 27(9) Law of Indirect Effort : The more you give away, the more you get back.. 27(10) Law of Infinite Intelligent : ? 27(11) Law of Focus : ? 27(12) Law of Subconscious Mind : ? 27(13) Law of Conscious Mind : ? 27(14) Law of Superconscious Mind : ? 27(15) Law of Infiniteconscious Mind : ? 27(16) Law of Cosmic Habitforce : ? 27(17) Law of Vibration : ? 27(18) Law of Gravity : ? 27(19) Law of Perception: ? 27(20) Law of Vacuum: ? 28. Just Use a Short Powerful Message 29. We Were Born to Become Somebody 30. Nothing Is Important, until I Make It Important 30(1) What We Consider Important, It Will Control You... 30(2) Manage Your Importancy? Put the Priority Right! Which one come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th..... 31. New Idea + New Actions = New Results 32. Your Past Is Not Equal to Your Future! Your Future is Your Action from Now? You Got to Decide Now What You Are Going to Be?.. 33. Don't Just Dreaming To Do It, Most People Talk To Do It! There are a People Almost Do It! But.. The Winners Will Do It.. 34. Always Plan & Re-plan Your Activity 34(1) Planning as the Fast Track to Achive Your Goal 34(2) Tune @ Tuning This Skill... Until Become Expert On It... 34(3) Smart Planning System 34(4) Even the Greatest Plan on Earth Don't Work Unless You Do It! 34(5) Manage Activities 34(6) Plan & Think on Paper 34(7) All Great Achiever Write & Rewrite Their Plan, There Are Always Planning... 34(8) There are no records of the perfect plan! Most great achievers who go beyond ordinary will faces major difficulties, obstacles, sadness.. The difference between them and the losser are they set back and re-plan and keep themselves up and keep knowing that the ultimate success will come as long as they keep on keep it on... 35. Self Mastery **Expecially for Negotiator, Businessman, Managers... 35(1) The Mind Mastery 35(1)(1) The Human Mind 35(1)(2) The Art of Thinking 35(1)(3) Handling Mental Conflicts 35(2) The Emotional Mastery 35(2)(1) The Emotional Brain 35(2)(2) Understanding Emotional Intelligence 35(2)(3) Handling Emotional Stress 35(3) The Physical Mastery 35(3)(1) The Mind, the Emotions and the Physical 35(3)(2) Developing the Art of Productive Work 35(3)(3) The Mind and the Food Connection with the Body 35(4) Selling Mastery 35(4)(1) The Psychology of the Selling Cycle 35(4)(2) The Art of Persuasion in Selling 35(4)(3) The Skill and the Power of Closing 35(5) The Advanced Psychology of Selling Cycle 35(5)(1) The 9 Mental Laws in Selling 35(5)(2) Improving the 1st Impression 35(5)(3) The Big Picture in Selling 35(6) The Art of Persuasion Skill 35(6)(1) How to Make Prospects Interested in Your Product 35(6)(2) How to Make Your Prospects Desire Ownership of Your Product 35(6)(3) How to Make It Easy for Your Prospects to Purchase Your Product 35(7) The Skill and the Power of Closing 35(7)(1) Developing the Fact Finding Skills 35(7)(2) Designing Tailor-Made Presentation 35(7)(3) Planning and Implementations the Closing 35(8) The Goal and Time Management Skill 35(8)(1) Understanding Goal Setting Skills 35(8)(2) Developing the Time Management Skills 35(8)(3) Designing a Life-Style 36. Life Like a War! Whatever Your Job Is?.. Find Yourself Jihad Fisabilillah... You will see that you never be the same anymore! The person who do for ALLAH S.W.T can takes any kind of form either small or large... in difficult or critical situations... 37. 4 Ways to Increase Our Intelligence Intelligence is define as "the ability to get what we want?... What do you really want in this life? How intelligent you are to realize it ??? This is time to make it true...
But You Must Be Possibly the Best You Can Be... 39. Knowing What To Do Is Not Enough, You Must Do What You Know ! 40. Just Do It! 41. Life Is A Learning Process, the Most Crucial Examination is "The Exam of How & Where We Drive Our Life"... 42. All You Can Do Is All You Can Do But All You Can Do Is Enough... 43. Be Dynamic and Energetic 44. Nothing Good Come Easy! Work Hard! Gary Player is the great example for this, in one toughest day he make a.... One audience who watch his weak performance then simply say "I can be anything if I'm a golf player like you". Gary simply polite and say "No you don't! You think become a professional golf player like me was easy?? You know what the price you going to pay to become a golf player like me??? You wake up 5am everyday, you go to golf field with thousands of golf balls... And you practise hard everyday hit those thousands and thousands of golf ball and you say become a golf player was easy??? Nothing good come easy!..." 45. Never @ Never @ Never Giveup, Re-try Harder... 46. Solution Oriented Person, Solution focus rather than problem focus... 47. The mysterious of the "Time World". was just like a minute? At some moment have you felt that one day or one year was just like a flicker and sometimes it became too long which cannot be counted... This is what we call the time mystery!...
end cut into the reality... 49. How to Stimulate Your Superconscious Mind? Superconscious mind is the source of all creativity, river of ideas, motivations, hunches, insights, flashes, instuations and the source of new ideas on how to looks somethings in a brand new way.. Advanced in neurology describe the superconscious as our Internet Mind, whatever we want? we can easily access it by connecting via this powerful mind, ALLAH S.W.T has built-in this very-very powerful tremendous tool to each of us. It just need to be plug-in anytime anywhere by us... So? How can we plug-in and generate a terrific results from this device?? >> passive techniques... 49(1) Solitude, think or rest for a while (30-60 minutes) without being disturbed. (Going into the silent... This is one of the very powerful way on stimulating our superconscious mind, at the first time you use this method it quite difficult to concentrate but after a few try, insya'ALLAH the result will great and better... 49(2) Go Surround Yourself to Nature; Beach, Garden, Lake, Waterfall, River... #Hear the ocean wave, #Hear the birds, cengkerik sounds,... 49(3) Deep Relaxation, Focus, Meditation... +have a seat in comfortable relax way, keep your mind calm and focus... +count downwards from 100 to 0 or 50 to 0 or 20 to 0... until you feels very calm, cools and peace at subconcious level +what you need to do at this level are just dreaming! imagine yourself at possition you want to be? such as woww... #how fantastics you drove your ultimate BMW 5 Series or Mercedes Benz 5.5 AMG... #imagine you changing your job! you become a businessman/woman with RM100,000? RM250,000? RM500,000? or RM1,000,000 in your saving account #imagine you are at the stage being awarded a degrees, master, ph.d or professor by the chancellor #imagine you further your study at Harvard University, University of Cambridge, University of Tokyo or any university you prefered to be?... #visualize you bought your new dream home... a banglo, a condominium... #visualize your monthly income RM15,000, RM25,000, RM50,000, RM100,000 or RM500,000 #imagine you slim, handsome, pretty and a very-very healthy and wealthy person.. #visualize you solve any problem arises at home or office, or just let the ideas flown like a river in your mind... (*whatever your dreaming are? make it believable and logic for you to achieve,...believe it! 49(4) Hear beautiful classical music, doing exercise, laughing, talk with someone you love... 49(5) Go solat sunat, berdoa, mengaji Al-Quran, dzikrullah... 49(6) do any other cools activities such as go jogging, playing tennis, ekspedisi ke taman negara, cook your favourite secret recipe, swimming, travel to Dusseldorf German to relax your mind.. >> active techniques... 49(4) Brain Storming In group of 2 or (4 to 7) to 20 persons... +the main ideas for brain storming is an "idea generation".. +focus on generation of new ideas... +don't make any judgement at the first session, allow funny, ridicullous and interesting new ideas. +the leader of the session must take resposible in questioning each of the group members, pass the question around to others if get stuck, or no respond?... +the question must be related, specific and particular to the problem occurs in your organization, company, department, and so on.... 49(5) Systematic Problem Approach Method this technique is one of the terrific method can be use according to the research on the characteristic of a genius.. How does the genius solve the problem?? #simply change the language from negative to positive don't call it as a "problem", change it as a challenge? situation? opportunity? 49(6) Mind Storming (Individual technique) (*Always use these techniques as frequent as you can especially in a critical situations, or when you do not found any possible solutions to your problem, or when you have a less time to make a judgement & decision...) 50. How to Stimulate Your Infiniteconscious Mind? Pyracosmic Aurology 51. Self discipline Persistense in Actions! Your persistency is the direct measure between you and your goal! If you think its good, workable and efficient keep on doing it with persistense... 52. Select the Correct... and the Positive... Mind Wave Around You! Three factors which always influence you; a) What you read, hear & see; Such as newspaper, books, internet, radio and tv++ b) People you meet c) Your internal habit *Here we telling you : "Do you know why most millionaire, rich and successful people seldom see any newspaper and tv programme ?" Have a looks at the content of those media, of course there are also many good news inside but almost of the pages and scenes are describing the negative images about crime, death, accident, hip-hop concert, gang starz, raping, disasters, bankrupcy, lelong rumah, about love story of siti and dato'b.. and also the stories and problems about other people which nothing link and benefit you! 53. 54. Go out reach for the Stars!, the result was tremendous... 55. 56. Don't always do enough! Don't get discourage... When you feel like queen, make one last search When you feel like...., .... Or you feel comfortable enough with you???.... Play scare is different from being scare, number game principal If you don't play scare you will get cold! 57. Changing your thinking and actions never is easy, infact it going to be tough but I can say its Worthied... 58. Now you work hard! You know you got the desire and a dream that's inspired you. You also have a jihad which cause that bigger than you are! You try and try harder but nothing since to be working! This is the time really maid off, the nightmare begins... we know this period first time, you go home and laid your head in the pillow, feels like the game was over. You could'nt see any possible solution to your problem, your broken heart and frustration make you laid and say "i can't stand anymore and everything is over!". The tempation to quit was playing in your mind, during this tough time use these two (2) critical fundamentals to help you hang off? Use the magic of 40 days... Almost anyone can do almost anything in 40 days. Self esteem and critical plan goes for 40 days straight!.... This is not a time for mediocre efford or playing arround! It must be a very tough goal and a very serious time and tough decision about your life and your future! Our goal here is to revise of...and to... I do not know what is the magic behind this 40 days but we learn from the experience it short enough to see from the deep inside and it long enough to allow some momentum!... The biggest frustration we had when we see people quit, it was so close to turn around was unbelievable.... They almost near reached to win not because they cannot do it but they cannot stay just for a few much longer to reach them.. Folks, Give yourself a time to succeed, Give your effort a time to compound... every contact you made, every client you see, every relationship you built, every cost you paid was a part of your success investment! if you know you are the greatest, if you know you do it sincere, you will get there... don't worry about that, during a period of time all those investments will be pay off... Insya'ALLAH! 58. Folks, let say you reached your goals, you have all time and money in this world, you got all the recognitions and successes but wait!... if you don't have your priority straight, you are going to be a failure... if you don't wins in all area of your life at least what you stand for, you ultimately a losser... remember right and wrong! dosa and pahala! don't let the...........just for a sandy... people easily become too materialistic, worshiping their accomplishment instead of God, they see the results of their achievements as their own effort.. they take all the credits for themselves rather than give credits to God... 59. Please check any symptoms? if you say me, my, I, mine... instead of we, us, together, the team? ....what you want and need dominate your thinking? You start tapping other people in achieving their dreams? You think their achievements as a treats to your own success? If you found any symptoms of these diseases in yourself, you blow it!... Remember the giving principles of life, the more you give away the more you get back. If you don't give to others you won't continue to grow and develop... Make giving to others as the way of life, it is all about religion... It was feeling good about people and as a bonus feeling good about yourself and your life!60. And don't tell us you champions in making money, you successful in business, you got whatever you dreaming about but you fail in your personal life! you fail in family! you fail with your spouse and kids! Don't compromize your integrity. 61. Folks, how matter big your success in this world, setinggi manapun mulia anda di sisi manusia jika amalan kita tidak di terima ALLAH SWT, you ultimately dishonor! You come back to God with nothing. Buatlah semuanya hanya kerana ALLAH SWT, don't gamble yourself and your life with all this temporary duniawi. Insya'ALLAH duniawi and ukhrawi will be rewards to us; Praise be to ALLAH, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray, Aminnn... 61.all these principals will never do the best if you never act on it!. there must be an "actions" for you to win! talk is cheap, everybody can talk a good game but the winners will go out there and does something! if you use it and take these messages to heart and achieve what you ambitions... it is not just you happy, we also happier thousands and thousands of people completely changing apart of their lives just by making the right decision of take charge of their own life... 62. Now you got the keys!
I believe we have numbers of chance to be successful to make it BIG but most people fail was time run out, looking for this one thing... looking for this one thing and time run out! Do you know how shame we take life for granted?? Folks, let you think for a little while for the next weekend,... What will you going to do!!?...Think about yourself, where you been, where you from, where are you now??? Think a little while to focus on you and your place in this world as the way it is!... Think about your dreams and the price you are willing to pay, Think about your family, your kids, our relatives and our ummah' what will happen to them... Think about our responsibility and amanah as khalifah in this world... Think about... Think about... We here just a flickers! We do not know what happen next?? We on TV now we heard that PM announced the oil price not be change this year as promises even now already USD$118/barrel.... and a few minutes later something new will happen????.... The economy was bad? not just the price of oils BUT milk, roti canai, flour, rice, eggs, breads, teh tarik were increases... We here for just a flickers rite?... The world won't stop and wait for you... The time will go and keep on running, at a moment you realize we do not know where are we now? Most people wait something special happen to them, they don't realize life won't give them what they want but life will give them whatever they accept!! HERE I'M TAKING MY STAND! NO EXCUSES!... I GOT TO TRY! DECIDE THE PERSON YOU ARE GOING TO BE... NO EXCUSES!... I GOT TO TRY! GO OUT REACH FOR THE STARS... YOU DON'T NEED PERFECTLY TO DO EVERYTHING TO WIN? YOU JUST DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU CAN DO... DREAM BIG AGAIN!! GO FOR IT!!! FOLKS!... AND ALLAH S.W.T WILL BLESS ALL OF US, INSYA'ALLAH... THE SUCCESSES IN OUR HANDS! AMINNN |
The Magic of "Thinking BIG" !
You do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there! The secrets release in this session were; --1[BELIEVE] You Can Succeed and You Will------------------------------------- ---2[CURE] Yourself of the Fear of Failure--------------------------------------------3[BUILD] Confidence and Destroy Fear------------------------------------------- ---4[THINK] and [DREAM] Creatively----------------------------------------------5[YOU ARE] What You Think You Are------------------------------------------- ---Make Your 6[ATTITUDES] Your Allies-------------------------------------------7[LEARN] How to Think Positively------------------------------------------------ ---8[TURN] Defeat into Victory-------------------------------------------------------9[USE] Goals to Help You Grow-------------------------------------------------- ---Think Like a 10[LEADER]-------------------------------------------------------- |
From the Words of King Maker of Millionaires.. (Summary Version)
The method by which a desire for riches can be turn into its financial equivalent consists of 6 definite and practical steps;
Can you clearly picture every inch of these notes in your mind? ...and do you really know what money can do??
I Have It All !
let your mind recognize in absolutely super clear, precise, complete, vivid detail what is it ???... If you dream a sport car? Take the picture of your dream car such as ferrari enzo, porsche carrera, bmw z4, etc..
Step# 2 : OK, You already got the dream picture ! But you still don't see
you own it, So Now !.. PUT YOURSELF INTO YOUR DREAM ! Paste your picture into your dream car! Keep it at the place that easy for you to see everytime.. Step# 3 : Use all your 6 senses ; Hear, See, Smell, Touch, Tongue and Heart to TRANSMUTE YOUR DREAM ! ~1) Hear : Hear exactly what sound of your dream car? ~2) See : Completely see your dream car (*In@External ~3) Smell : Smell your dream car... ~4) Touch : Go test drive your dream car! Feels it, touch it... ~5) Taste/Speak : Talk with those person who exciting with your dream or who already have it, how great they experienced this car, wowww... they drove 250km/hour, automatic function, tv network, wireless phone, sporty looking style, streamyx inside++ ~6) Heart : Visualize your dream exactly as you have it in reality! Imagine it from hard deep inside of ur' heart, get that feeling! fantastic wowww,.. marvellous, tremendous, yeeehaaa..
More frequent you use all your senses, the near it come to
you.. Insya'ALLAH
4. Spend 1 Hour a Day Exclusively for;
TIME TO BECOME RICH 5. Have Your Own Secret "Dream Book", Write it down! Everything you want in this life... You will find it become true within certain period of time, Insya'ALLAH. 6. 7.
6. The Millionaire's Habit
6(1) Attract Positive Thinking, Attract Positive Habit.. Whatever the situations are always be positive! Always think you have a lots of money. The money will come. Woww, your pocket full with money... Oh! Yes.. Dont know where else should be place... 6(2) Before you become a millionaire, your "mind must be millionaire 1st..." 7. The rich people believe they have a big cake, and they can eat it all! 8. The successful people set their problems smaller than their... the weak person thing their problem bigger than.... 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. |
SIAPA KATA ISLAM TAK GALAK UMATNYA KAYA RAYA? Suatu Siri Kajian dan Penyelidikan Salah Faham Tentang Kekayaan.
Pernahkah anda terdengar atau mendengar ayat-ayat berikut ; "Jangan Tamak! Tak Cukupkah Apa Yang Ada?" "Rich Is Evil" "Cukuplah tu" "Apa lagi yang kau nak?" "Nak buat apa kerja teruk siang malam?" "Dah memang untuk orang kafir di dunia ni syurga mereka!" "Dah penat aku usaha tak kaya-kaya jugak?" "Dah memang dia kaya sejak atuk nenek dia dulu!" "Ingat duit tu ikut ko sampai mati ke?" "" "" "" "" Jika selepas ini anda terdengar atau mendengar lagi ayat-ayat tersebut, pertama-tamanya tolong lihat dulu dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki manusia yang melafazkannya? Dengan Minda Positif dan Sangka Baik serta Tanpa Perlu Menjengkelnya, tanyalah pada hatimu ; "Adakah ini insan yang patut aku contohi? ..atau wajar dijauhi sejauh-jauhnya!" by Accept 100% Total Life Responsibility! we do not have any time with any reason to point to others... 2. Stop Making Excuses! in the big league excuses don't count... 3. Don't Limit Your Ability, our life surround with so many beautiful & wonderful things, masya'ALLAH, explore it... 4. All Limitation Is Only In Our Own Mind, it does't contains in physical reality... 5. Think Out of The Box, don't ever prison yourself in an invisible box that eyes can't see 6. Doubling Your Brain Power, Learn the Mind Power mind can direct you into whatever you want, no more boundaries... 7. Move Out from the Comfort Zone, get out from the system! how great becomes extraordinary... |
Berusahalah! Korean Secret Recipe...
Gambare, Gila kerja Japanese Secret Recipe... ??? ! Swiss Secret Recipe...??? ! ? German Secret Recipe...??? ! ? French Secret Recipe...??? ! ? American Secret Recipe...Work Smart! Zealish Secret Recipe...??? ! ? Secret Recipe...
1. Be Pro-Active
capai atau selesaikan sesuatu target? impian? kerja? tanpa di suruh atau di paksa!... 2. Start with the End in Mind 3. Put 1st Things First 4. Think Win/Win 5. Sharpen the Saw 6. Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood. 7. Synergize
We Can Be, Have or Do!...
1. Desires! Unstopable desires...
2. Believe! You have the ability... (Realistic Goals) Challenging Goals, Out of the Comfort Zone... 3. Write Down All Your Goals on Paper (Essential), Programme that Goal into Your Subconscious Mind in Complete, Vivid, Clear, Precise Detail exactly as you have it! 4. Determine and Write Out all the benefit, and How You Benefit and Advantages You Enjoy: More Advantages More Motivation You Will Be... 5. Analyze exactly your position? Current Position. 6. Set the dateline exactly in specific, quantifiable, measurable,... Exactly the latest date! 7. Identify any obstacles you have to overcome in accomplishing your goals by write it down on paper (*Any obstacles that we found big in our head will look very-very small when we wrote it down on paper, insya'ALLAH... 8. Clearly identify the knowledge acquire by talk with someone who expert on it, doing a research, read a books... 9. Identify the people, company or organisation who involve in achieving your goal; Law of Sewing and Riping Law of Return Law of Compensation @ Over Compensation 10. 11. 12.
Himpunan Wasiat-wasiat Luqman Al-Hakim
1. Wasiat Pertama
Jangan Menyekutukan ALLAH S.W.T Bahaya Syirik 2. Wasiat Kedua Berbuat Baik Kepada Kedua Ibu Bapa Berbakti Kepada Kedua Ibu Bapa Bertauhid Kepada ALLAH S.W.T 3. Wasiat Ketiga Sedar Akan Pengawasan ALLAH S.W.T 4. Wasiat Keempat Dirikanlah Solat 5. Wasiat Kelima Menyuruh Melakukan Yang Baik Jalan Kebaikan 6. Wasiat Keenam Mencegah Kemungkaran Mendiamkan Diri Terhadap Kemungkaran Laknat Ke atas Orang Yang Tidak Mencegah Kemungkaran 7. Wasiat Ketujuh Sabar Menghadapi Ujian Nilai Kesabaran Kesan Sabar 8. Wasiat Kelapan Tidak Berlagak Sombong Hidup Yang Tiada Erti 9. Wasiat Kesembilan Tidak Berjalan Dengan Sombong Orang Yang Angkuh Dibenci ALLAH S.W.T Kedudukan Orang Tawaduk Di Sisi ALLAH S.W.T 10. Wasiat Kesepuluh Melangkah Dengan Sederhana Cara Hidup Yang Baik 11. Wasiat Kesebelas Rendahkanlah Suaramu Kesan Percakapan Yang Lemah Lembut Membentuk Keperibadian Tauladan Dalam Bercakap Penerapan Ilmu Suara Yang Tenang 12. Wasiat Yang Terpisah-pisah Mengamanah Hanya Kepada ALLAH S.W.T Jangan Berkelubung Nilai Hikmat Ucapan Salam Cara Islam Diam Itu Emas Perniagaan Tanpa Modal Perbuatan Jahat Mengelak Dengan Sendiri Memilih Majlis |
Kekayaan tidak membawa erti tanpa ada keberkatan. Dengan adanya keberkatan, harta/rezeki yang sedikit akan dirasakan seolah-olah banyak dan mencukupi. Sebaliknya tanpa keberkatan akan dirasakan sempit dan susah meskipun banyak harta. Dalam kisah Nabi, ada diceritakan Nabi Ayub ketika sedang mandi tiba-tiba ALLAH SWT datangkan seekor belalang emas dan hinggap di lengannya. Baginda menepis-nepis dengan bajunya. Lantas ALLAH SWT berfirman 'Bukankah AKU lakukan begitu supaya kamu menjadi lebih kaya?' Nabi Ayub mejawab 'Ya benar, demi keagunganMU apalah makna kekayaan tanpa keberkatanMU'. Kisah ini menegaskan betapa pentingnya keberkatan dalam rezeki yang dikurniakan oleh ALLAH SWT.
Cara untuk mendapatkan keberkatan daripada ALLAH SWT antaranya;
1. Bersyukur atas apa yang diberikan oleh ALLAH SWT.2. Belanjakan harta pada jalan yang diredhai oleh ALLAH SWT. 3. Berusaha untuk mendapatkan rezeki yang halal 4. Keluarkan sedekah wajib (zakat) jika sampai nisab dan berikan sedekah sunat kepada orang miskin dan anak yatim. 5. Bersedekah kepada anak yatim/miskin kalau boleh setiap hari. (cari anak-anak yatim untuk diberikan). Insya'ALLAH akan diganti oleh ALLAH SWT tanpa kita sedari. 6. Ikhlaskan pemberian/sedekah hanya kepada ALLAH SWT bukan mengharapkan pujian dan sebagainya. (Pemberian tangan kanan tanpa diketahui tangan kiri). Sedekah mulakan dengan keluarga sendiri dahulu selepas itu barulah kepada jiran dan orang-orang yang lebih jauh. Jangan anggap pemberian itu hak kita sebenarnya dalam harta kita ada hak mereka. 7. Hulurkan pemberian sunat secara rahsia - tetapi pemberian wajib (zakat) perlu diberi secara terangan sebagai menegakkan syiar Islam. 8. Konsep sedekah : Berikan sesuatu yang kita sayangi. Ini jelas dalam ayat Quran Ali Imran ayat 92 9. Cari harta dunia untuk dijadikan bekalan akhirat. (Dunia untuk akhirat - bukan dunia untuk dunia) 10. Amalan yang diberkati ialah hasil titik peluh sendiri dan juga melalui jualbeli (perniagaan). Menurut Nabi 9/10 (90%) daripada sumber rezeki ialah berpunca daripada perniagaan. Makan gaji mungkin 1/10 sahaja (10%). Nabi Muhammad sendiri sebelum diutus menjadi rasul adalah seorang ahli perniagaan yang jujur, cekap dan amanah. Peniaga yang amanah akan dibangkitkan bersama para Nabi dan Rasul di akhirat kelak. Perniagaan merupakan amalan fardu kifayah. "BARANG MAKANAN & KEPERLUAN ORANG ISLAM SEPATUTNYA DIKELUARKAN OLEH ORANG ISLAM ITU SENDIRI ! ". Kalau tidak ada sesiapa yang menjalankan aktiviti ini, seluruh umat Islam berdosa. 11. Hulurkan bantuan kepada janda yang ketiadaan suami. Dalam satu hadith, Nabi menerangkan setiap awal pagi, semasa terbit matahari ada dua malaikat menyeru kepada manusia di bumi. Yang satu menyeru 'Ya Tuhanku, kurniakanlah ganti kepada orang yang membelanjakan hartanya kerana ALLAH SWT. Yang satu lagi menyeru 'Musnahkanlah orang yang menahan hartanya (lokek)' Orang yang bakhil tidak manfaatkan hartanya untuk dunia dan akhiratnya. Menginfaqkan (Belanjakan) harta adalah berkat, sebaliknya menahannya adalah celaka. Dalam hadith lain, Nabi bersabda takutilah api neraka walaupun dengan sebelah biji tamar. Dan sabdanya lagi Sedekah itu penghapus dosa sebagaimana air memadam api. Sedekah walaupun kecil tetapi amat berharga di sisi ALLAH SWT. Dan digalakkan memberi sedekah pada awal pagi. Sekiranya dapat diamalkan perkara-perkara di atas, Insya'ALLAH rezeki yang dikurniakan oleh ALLAH SWT akan kekal walaupun telah digunakan. ALLAH SWT akan membalas atau menggantikan apa yang telah dibelanjakan. Amalkan ilmu yang ada, nanti ALLAH SWT akan menambahkan ilmu lagi. Begitu juga harta - belanjakan harta yang ada, ALLAH SWT akan tambahkan lagi dari sumber yang kita tidak ketahui. (Petikan sumber www.azwira.com "Dunia hanyalah pinjaman, kepada ALLAH SWT kita kembali.." )
Tiada masa untuk berkhayal lagi, Mulakan bisnes anda saat ini juga !!!
1) Semua bidang dinyatakan di bawah tidak terhad untuk satu kategori sahaja, ia mungkin sesuai untuk pelbagai kategori yang lain. 2) Skim Cepat Kaya tidak dimasukan dalam kategori ini, memandangkan ia tidak diiktiraf Bank Negara, Kementerian Usahawan Malaysia serta mungkin haram riba di sisi agama Islam, wallahu'alam.
Who I Am? Human and their brain scope power. Kajian menunjukkan setiap manusia mempunyai kira-kira lebih 10,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000 ( >10-100 Billion ) neurons yang bersamaan banyaknya segala bintang-bintang yang ada di langit serta lebih 10,000,000,000,000 ( >10 Trillion ) synapses. Kapasiti ini tersangat-sangat cukup membolehkan setiap dari kita memiliki keupayaan penguasaan lebih 10-100 Billion Super Komputer seandainya kita menyedari dan mengoptimumkan anugerah ILAHI yang tersangat hebat dan ajaib ini! Sel otak yang sentiasa dicergaskan akan menjadi lebih subur seterusnya meningkatkan sel glia, memantapkan hubungkait antara sesaraf, menjadikan saluran berfikir bertambah luas.
References[1] David J. Schwartz (1987). The Magic of Thinking BIG. Simon & Schuster, Inc. [2] Ann Wan Seng (2006). Rahsia Bisnes Orang Cina : The Bamboo Network. PTS Professional Publishing. [3] Ann Wan Seng (2006). Rahsia Bisnes Orang Jepun. PTS Professional Publishing. [4] Ann Wan Seng (2006). Rahsia Bisnes Orang Korea. PTS Professional Publishing. [5] Ab. Fatah Hasan (1994). Penggunaan Minda Yang Optimum Dalam Pembelajaran. Unit Penerbit Akademik UTM [6] www.azwira.com (2006). Dunia hanyalah pinjaman, kepada ALLAH SWT kita kembali. [7] Napoleon Hill (2006). Think and Grow Rich : 21st Century Edition. Napoleon Hill Associates [8] Anthony Robbins (). Awaken The Giant Within. USA [9] Anthony Robbins (). Unlimited Power. USA [10] Azizi Ali (). Jutawan dari Planet Jupiter. Penerbit [11] Michelle Thor (). On the Way to TOT by Cold Calling. Prudential Co, Singapore. [12] Irfan Khairi (). Rahsia Jutawan-jutawan Internet Terbongkar. Penerbit [13] A.L. Williams (1991). All You Can Do Is All You Can Do, But All You Can Do Is Enough. Prudential Co, USA. [14] Stephen Covey (). 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. USA [15] Stephen Covey (). The Eight Habit. USA [16] J. Martin Kohe and J. Williamson (). How To Become A Mental Millionaire. [17] Focus On Your Dream. [18] Millionaire Secrets [19] Your Greatest Power [20] Terbaik Daripada Ben [21] Fathullah Al-Hafnawi (1983). Himpunan Wasiat-wasiat Luqman Al-Hakim. Nurulhas Publisher. [22] Petunjuk Pelajar Islam [23] Making Sense of Money [24] [25] |